Which of the following represents the correct sequence of parts of the ear that sound travels in hearing? – Internet Guides
Which of the following represents the correct sequence of parts of the ear that sound travels in hearing?

Which of the following represents the correct sequence of parts of the ear that sound travels in hearing?

HomeArticles, FAQ, Helpful tips, LifehacksWhich of the following represents the correct sequence of parts of the ear that sound travels in hearing?

Study Questions for Section 2

Q. When Andrew had his hearing tested some sounds were too soft for him to detect these sounds were below his _____ threshold for hearing?

Psychology 0101-01 Chapters 3-5 study guide, test 6/16/11

When Andre had his hearing tested, some sounds were too soft for him to detect. These sounds were below his ____ for hearingb) absoulute threshold

Q. What is the name of the process through which physical stimuli such as the odor of pancakes are converted into neural signals that are sent to the brain?


Which of the following represents the correct sequence of parts of the ear that sound travels in hearing?pinna, ear canal, eardrum, hammer, anvil, stirrup, oval window, cochlea, basilar membrane, hair cells, auditory nerve

Q. What are the different types of sensations?

Broadly, these sensations can classify into two categories. First, general sensations which include touch, pain, temperature, proprioception, and pressure. Vision, hearing, taste, and smell are special senses which convey sensations to the brain through cranial nerves.

Q. What are primary sensations?

primary sensation that resulting immediately and directly from application of a stimulus. referred sensation (reflex sensation) one felt elsewhere than at the site of application of a stimulus.

Q. How does sensation affect your behavior?

How is ‘sensation and perception’ involved in behaviour? We need the combined input from our senses to tell us about what is happening in the world around us. The brain perceives and uses lots of information to work out if and when to do something in response: to act or behave.

Q. What is the example of psychophysics in real life?

They are used to measure absolute threshold, or the smallest detectable amount of a stimulus. For example, if we’re looking at your response to watermelon and want to measure your absolute threshold, we would look for the smallest piece of watermelon that you could taste.

Q. What does psychophysics mean?

Psychophysics, study of quantitative relations between psychological events and physical events or, more specifically, between sensations and the stimuli that produce them.

Q. What are the basic concepts of psychophysics?

Absolute threshold: as the stimulus strengthens from the undetectable, the point at which the person first detects it. Signal detection theory: theory pertaining to the interaction of the sensory capabilities and the decision making factors in detecting a stimulus.

Q. What is psychophysical laws and what are its types?

Psychophysics is the study of the relation between real world stimuli and the perception of those stimuli. Two common psychophysical laws are Fechner’s Law and Stevens’ Power Law.

Q. What is the importance of psychophysics?

Psychophysics had an important immediate impact on psychology, sensory physiology, and related fields, because it provided a means of measuring sensation which previously, like all other aspects of the mind, had been consid- ered private and immeasurable.

Q. What is a psychophysical function?

a psychometric relationship between a stimulus and judgments about the stimulus, as expressed in a mathematical formula. In the method of constant stimuli, it is the proportion of yes responses (i.e., that the stimuli were perceived) as a function of physical magnitude of the stimuli.

Q. What is a psychophysical test?

Psychophysical testing is performed prior to and during electric stimulation mapping to identify possible deficits in auditory cortical function associated with stimulation of specific sites.

Q. Is psychophysics still used?

Today, the practice of psychophysics is ubiquitous in all fields of neuroscience that involve the study of behaving organisms, be they man or beast. Curiously enough, the origins of systematic psychophysics can be traced to a single individual: Gustav Theodor Fechner (1801–1887).

Q. What is difference threshold in psychology?

The just noticeable difference (JND), also known as the difference threshold, is the minimum level of stimulation that a person can detect 50 percent of the time.

Q. How do you explain difference threshold?

A difference threshold is the minimum required difference between two stimuli for a person to notice change 50% of the time (and you already know where that “50% of the time” came from). The difference threshold is also called just noticeable difference, which translates the concept more clearly.

Q. What does it mean to have a higher absolute threshold?

Absolute threshold is the smallest level of energy required by an external stimulus to be detectable by the human senses, including vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch. Stimuli at or above the absolute threshold – those which can be detected – are called supraliminal.

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Which of the following represents the correct sequence of parts of the ear that sound travels in hearing?.
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