The No Man's Sky's Worlds update changed all my favorite planets

The No Man's Sky's Worlds update changed all my favorite planets

HomeGames, News, Other ContentThe No Man's Sky's Worlds update changed all my favorite planets

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New update! No Man's Sky: Worlds Part 1 is HUGE & Changing the planet generation!

No Man's Sky is a game big enough to handle many playstyles. I could embark on an expedition and stomp on bugs, explore abandoned space stations for valuable loot, or roleplay with a group of like-minded fans. But I've always enjoyed playing No Man's Sky as an explorer and photographer. I like to enjoy an edible, go into space and wander around wonderful planets and take pictures.

To my amazement – and sometimes, my dismay – the latest No Man's Sky update, Worlds, has swept across my corner of the galaxy. I've explored and cataloged tons of systems while wandering around enjoying good vibes. Some boring worlds have been spiced up, some familiar planets now look very different, and I'm starting to return to my habit of being a galactic tourist and landscape admirer.

Before, seen below, my home planet Anxiease had gorgeous pink skies, green grass and crystal clear water. (Also the occasional massive worm.)

The No Man's Sky's Worlds update changed all my favorite planets.
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