WatchTube lets you watch YouTube videos on your Apple Watch

WatchTube lets you watch YouTube videos on your Apple Watch

HomeGames, Guides, How toWatchTube lets you watch YouTube videos on your Apple Watch

While the Apple Watch has many features to help users get the most out of it even without a phone nearby, watching YouTube videos isn't one of them. Well, not anymore. An independent app developer has created an app called WatchTube that lets you watch YouTube videos right from your Apple Watch.

How to watch YouTube VIDEO on Apple Watch!

WatchTube is a new Apple Watch app that you can use to listen to videos from your Apple Watch. The app is designed with the Apple Watch's small form factor in mind and works on watchOS 6 and later. You can download the app from the App Store and choose to join the beta program through TestFlight.

Currently, WatchTube lets you search and watch videos, view descriptions, browse the home feed, check watch history, view subscriptions, and like videos. The developer hopes to add an audio-only mode for using the app with the screen off in the future. One neat feature worth mentioning here is the ability to generate QR codes for videos. This way, your friends can easily use any QR code scanner app to open the video from their phones.

There are four sections in the app namely Home, Search, Library and Settings. The home section can be customized to show the type of videos you want to watch. However, you won't be able to link your YouTube account to the app.

WatchTube lets you watch YouTube videos on your Apple Watch.
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