Q. What age does ODP soccer start?
Close to 100,000 players between the ages of 13 and 18 participate in ODP every year. Actual seasons vary by state, but can start as early as November and finish as late as May. Every state has an ODP program, and the hierarchy expands up to four regions and–for the elite–a national camp.
Q. What is Kansas ODP?
Kansas ODP is an enrichment opportunity for a player in addition to his/her club team. ODP targets elite players born in various eligible birth years. Kansas ODP has produced players who have gone on to do some fantastic things in the sport of soccer.
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Q. What is the ODP soccer program?
The US YOUTH SOCCER Olympic Development Program, or ODP as it is more commonly called, is a national identification and development program for high-level players. From the state pools and subsequent teams, players are identified for regional and national pools and teams.
Q. Is there a youth soccer team in Illinois?
Illinois Youth Soccer is an official State Association and charter member of the US Soccer Federation and US Youth Soccer. Illinois Youth Soccer is the administrative body authorized to carry out the Federation’s and US Youth Soccer’s programs to amateur youth players in Illinois.
Q. When is ODP elite ID camp in Illinois?
Illinois ODP coaches will select outstanding players to participate at the Midwest Region Elite ID Camp in July. The Region will determine the fees and accommodations.
Q. What do you need to know about ODP in Illinois?
It during the Trainings Sessions that players learn what it takes to become an ODP player and to compete against other quality players under the guidance of the ODP staff and renowned GUEST coaches. The Illinois ODP coaches will select players from the Winter ODP trainings to participate in a tournament or interstate game.
Q. Do you have to register with iysa to play soccer in Illinois?
If you anticipate participating in Illinois Youth Soccer (IYSA) sponsored programs and events such as State Cup, Illinois Cup or MRL, your league is REQUIRED to register your team with IYSA.