What age is the book I like myself for?

What age is the book I like myself for?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat age is the book I like myself for?

Q. What age is the book I like myself for?

3-8 years
Appropriate Age Range: 3-8 years.

Q. What is the topic of I like myself?

Theme & Moral: -I Like Myself is an ode to self-esteem, confidence and individuality. -The encourages kids to appreciate everything about themselves–inside and out.

Q. What genre is I like myself by Karen Beaumont?

I Like Myself!/Genres

Q. Who published the book I like myself by Karen Beaumont?

HMH Books
Product Details

Publisher:HMH Books
Publication date:05/01/2004
Edition description:First Edition

Q. What grade level is I like myself book?

I Like Myself!

Interest LevelReading LevelATOS
Grades P – 3Grade 2n/a

Q. Who is I like myself by?

Karen Beaumont
I Like Myself!/Authors
David Catrow is an editorial cartoonist and the illustrator of more than seventy books for children, including the New York Times bestseller I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More! and I Like Myself!, both written by Karen Beaumont, Dozens of Cousins by Shutta Crum, Plantzilla by Jerdine Nolen, and Rotten Teeth by Laura Simms.

Q. What grade level is I Like Myself?

I Like Myself!

Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-Z
Grades P – 3Grade 2n/a

Q. Who is the author of I Like Myself?

Q. What is filling your bucket and what’s draining it?

Our buckets can get drained by other people, what is going on around us, and how we respond to these things. Examples could include; worrying, negative feedback, feeling overwhelmed, or lack of sleep. But our buckets can be filled by activities that bring us joy, a sense of calm, or give us energy.

Q. How full is your bucket Spanish?

llenado uno cubeta hoy
How full is your bucket in Spanish Has llenado uno cubeta hoy?

Q. Is like myself grammatically correct?

“like myself” is never correct. “I sent myself a letter” is also okay. “Someone like me” is correct. Although we often hear “someone like myself”, it’s never correct.

Q. What kind of book is I like myself by Karen Beaumont?

At once silly and serious, Karen Beaumont’s joyous rhyming text and David Catrow’s wild illustrations unite in a book that is sassy, soulful, and straight from the heart. Positively bursting with energy and imagination, this ode to self-esteem encourages kids to appreciate everything about themselves, inside and out.

Q. Who is the author of I like myself?

Karen Beaumont is known for her lively and celebratory picture books, including I Like Myself! and the New York Times best-seller I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More!, both illustrated by David Catrow, as well as No Sleep for the Sheep!, illustrated by Jackie Urbanovic, and Wild About Us!, illustrated by Janet Stevens. She lives in Northern California.

Q. Who are the illustrators of Karen Beaumont’s books?

At once silly and serious, Karen Beaumont’s joyous rhyming text and David Catrow’s wild illustrations unite in a book that is sassy, soulful–and straight from the heart. KAREN BEAUMONT ‘s picture books include Being Friends, illustrated by Joy Allen, and Louella Mae, She’s Run Away!, illustrated by Rosanne Litzinger.

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What age is the book I like myself for?.
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