What are chromosomes like in a school? – Internet Guides
What are chromosomes like in a school?

What are chromosomes like in a school?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat are chromosomes like in a school?

Q. What are chromosomes like in a school?

The chromosomes are like the the district administrator because it determines the identity of the cell, just like the administrator determines the general reputation for the district.

Q. How does a school compare to a cell?

The cytoplasm of a cell can be compared to the hallways and classrooms of a school. The cytoplasm is everything but the nucleus of a cell and the hallways and classrooms is everything of the school.

Q. How do you compare a cell with some structures inside a school?

The Cell Wall is like the beams in a school because it provides the school support. The Chloroplast is like the cafeteria in a school because it is where the students in a school get their energy. The Large Central Vacuole is like a swimming pool because it stores water for the swim team.

Q. What would DNA be in a school?

DNA is like school rules. DNA contains genes that are instructions for making proteins. School rules can be instructions for how to rule the students.

Q. What part of a school is like nucleolus?

The nucleolus is the dark spot in the middle of the nucleus where ribosomes synthesis takes place. The nucleolus of the school is the principal because the principal makes the rules just like the nucleolus makes the ribosomes.

Q. What part of a school is like ribosome?

Place or Person in the SchoolCell Organelle
The Main OfficeNucleus
The Halls of the SchoolCytoplasm
The Kitchen of the SchoolEndoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
Ladies of the School KitchenRibosomes

Q. What is the nucleolus similar to?

The nucleolus can be compared to a factory because it’s main job is the production of ribosomes. Just like how a factory produces things. Ribosomes can be compared to a restaurant because food/proteins are made in the ribosomes, and they’re also made in a restaurant.

Q. What part of a school is like cytoskeleton?

The cytoskeleton is like the school dean because it provides support to the cell, or the principal. The nucleolus is like a classroom because the nucleolus forms ribosomes, like a classroom forms students.

Q. What is an example of a nucleolus in real life?

Nucleolus. A real life example would be a cookbook because just like a cookbook shows you how to make food the nucleolus shows the cell how to make ribosomes. A real life example would be a garbage disposal because like the Lysosome the garbage disposal breaks down waste.

Q. What can cells be compared to?

Cells are Like Cars You can compare the windshield and windows to plasma membranes, since they protect the inside of the car from invaders like insects and dirt.

Q. How a cell is like a house?

The cytoskeleton of a cell can be compared to the walls of a house. The walls of a house are similar to the cytoskeleton of a cell because they provide support for a house. They are also made of very strong material so the house will not collapse on itself.

Q. What part of a house is like Golgi bodies?

washer and dryer

Q. How a cell is like a city?

A Cell is Like A City! 1. Nucleus = City Hall: they are both the controlling forces in the cell/city. Cell Membrane = Police Officers: they both control what goes in and out of the cell/city. They also both protect and support what is inside.

Q. What would a cell wall be in a house?

The walls in a house are similar to the cell walls in a cell. The cell wall is like the wall in a house because the wall helps to protect and support the house, like the cell wall protects and supports the cell.

Q. What part of a house is like a lysosome?

The mitochondria in a house would be a stove because it breaks down nutrients and turns them into energy. Stoves cook food for us. Lysosomes are like trash cans because they dispose of wast in the cell like how we use the trash can to dispose of garbage around the house.

Q. What can a cell membrane be compared to in a house?

The cell membrane is like the roof on a house because it protect the house from storms and anything else. The cell membrane protects bacteria and other things from coming in the cell. Golgi Apparatus are like the laundry room.

Q. What is a ribosome similar to in real life?

Ribosome are like a factory, because ribosomes make proteins like factories make different products. The cell membrane is like a security guard, because the cell membrane controls what goes in and out of a cell like a security guard controls who goes in and out of the gate.

Q. Why is the Golgi apparatus similar to the refrigerator you have at home?

animal cell there is also an organelle that functions the same way like your. refrigerator at home. Why is the Golgi apparatus similar to the refrigerator. It breaks down food and release energy for the cell.

Q. What cell organelles is like the door House what is the door function?

The cell membrane controls what goes in and out of the cell. The cell membrane is like a screen door, because a screen door holds things out but lets air in.

Q. Is it true that nucleus is the brain of the cell?

Explanation: The nucleus is called the “brain” of the cell because it holds the information needed to conduct most of the cell’s functions. These proteins are built by the cell using the information in DNA, which is held in the nucleus.

Q. Which organelle is most like a factory delivery driver?


Q. Which organelle do you think is most like a UPS driver and why?

6 The endoplasmic reticulum is like a conveyer belt because in the Ups building the mail and packages move through the building on conveyer belts like the cell using the reticulum to have passages for proteins to move through.

Q. What animal organelle is a factory worker?


Job in the FactoryCell Organelle
Factory floorCytoplasm
Assembly line (where workers do their work)Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
Workers in the assembly lineRibosomes
Finishing/packaging departmentGolgi apparatus

Q. What would a lysosome be in a factory?

This is very similar to the way the factory’s storage closet stores tools, machines, and other supplies. In a cell, lysosome are responsible for breaking waste down, and handle the movement of trash and waste. Therefore, lysosomes are like the maintenance crew or janitors, because both handle waste and general trash.

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