What are MCF-7 cell lines?

What are MCF-7 cell lines?

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Q. What are MCF-7 cell lines?

MCF-7 is a human breast cancer cell line with estrogen, progesterone and glucocorticoid receptors [26]. It is derived from the pleural effusion of a 69-year-old Caucasian metastatic breast cancer (adenocarcinoma) in 1970 by Dr Soule of the Michigan Cancer Foundation, Detroit, MI [27].

Q. Are MCF-7 cells invasive?

MCF-7 is a poorly-aggressive and non-invasive cell line (9), normally being considered to have low metastatic potential (8).

Q. What are t47d cells?

T-47D is a human breast cancer cell line commonly used in biomedical research involving the hormonal expression of cancer cells.

Q. Is MCF7 triple negative?

MCF7 and MDA-MB-231 cells represent a striking example in that they are both invasive ductal/breast carcinoma cells, yet they have many phenotypic/genotypic differences: MCF7 are hormone dependent (both estrogen and progesterone receptor positive—ER and PR), while MDA-MB-231 are triple negative.

Q. Does MCF7 express HER2?

The MCF7 breast cancer cell line was transfected with a pcDNA 3.1 construct encoding human HER2 that was derived from a retroviral construct (Riese et al, 1995), and HER2 expressing clones were identified by immunoblot analysis (Figure 1A).

Q. What is ovcar3?

NIH:OVCAR-3 is an appropriate model system in which to study drug resistance in ovarian cancer, and the presence of hormone receptors should be useful for the evaluation of hormonal therapy.

Q. What is MCF 10A?

The MCF 10A cell line is a non-tumorigenic epithelial cell line. The cells are positive for epithelial sialomucins, cytokeratins and milk fat globule antigen. They exhibit three dimensional growth in collagen, and form domes in confluent cultures.

Q. What are hek293t cells?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Human embryonic kidney 293 cells, also often referred to as HEK 293, HEK-293, 293 cells, or less precisely as HEK cells, are a specific immortalised cell line derived from an aborted fetus or human embryonic kidney cells grown in tissue culture taken from a female fetus in 1973.

Q. What type of cells is MCF7?

MCF-7 is a breast cancer cell line isolated in 1970 from a 69-year-old White woman. MCF-7 is the acronym of Michigan Cancer Foundation-7, referring to the institute in Detroit where the cell line was established in 1973 by Herbert Soule and co-workers.

Q. Where is HER2 normally expressed?

Overexpression of HER2 is seen in 20% of breast and in some ovarian and gastric cancers, and it confers worse biological behavior and clinical aggressiveness in breast cancer (2, 21).

Q. What is HEK293 cell line?

HEK293 is a hypotriploid human cell line. The modal HEK293 chromosome number is 64 in 30% of cells, with higher ploidy occurring in 4.2% of cells. They have three copies of the X chromosome, and a 4 kbp fragment of Ad5 was incorporated into chromosome 19 of the HEK293 genome, which displays cytogenetic instability.

Q. Which is the best transfection kit for MCF-7 cells?

An optimized MCF-7 cell line transfection kit, the MCF-7 transfection kit, is available from Altogen Biosystems. This is the best transfection reagent on the market that is preoptimized for MCF-7 cells and enables a high efficiency transfer of miRNA, siRNA or plasmid DNA into MCF-7 cells.

Q. What kind of cell line is MCF7?

MCF7 Cell Line Organism Homo sapiens, human Cell Line Description MCF-7 is a human breast cancer cell line Tissue of Origin Breast Age 69 years adult

Q. What is the modal chromosome number of MCF-7?

Today’s MCF-7 cell line has a modal chromosome number of 82. Furthermore, there are genetic discrepancies between the MCF-7 cell line from the Michigan Cancer Foundation and the ATCC cell line. This indicates that the ATCC cell line is of a different source than the other MCF-7 cell lines. MCF-7 Xenograft Model

Q. How are MCF-7 cells used in breast cancer research?

MCF-7 cells are useful for in vitro breast cancer studies as a result of the cell line retaining several ideal characteristics particular to the mammary epithelium. These include the ability for MCF-7 cells to process estrogen in the form of estradiol via estrogen receptors in the cell cytoplasm.

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