What are the differences between Mickey and Edward?

What are the differences between Mickey and Edward?

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Q. What are the differences between Mickey and Edward?

Mickey is outgoing when he meets Edward and immediately accepts him as a close friend, despite their differences. When he meets Edward, his lack of education and his use of swear words and slang are emphasised by the contrast with his blood brother , who is well educated and does not know any swear words.

Q. What are Mickey and Eddie both obsessed about?

In the first half of the play, his role is played almost to the point of caricature. In a way, they both want to be like each other, but for very different reasons. While Eddie wants everything Mickey has, that money can’t buy, Mickey on the other hand wants the material aspects of Eddie’s life.

Q. Are Mickey and Edward identical twins?

Mrs Johnstone follows Mickey and tells him that he and Edward are really twins. Mickey tells his mother that he wishes she had given him away instead of Edward.

Q. How does Mickey Change in Blood Brothers?

As an adult, Mickey’s energy and positivity are destroyed by his experience of hopeless unemployment and being unable to support his new wife, Linda, and their child. This leads to him becoming angry and jealous of Edward.

Q. What would Mickey wear in Blood Brothers?

Mickey’s clothes always seem to swamp him. When we first meet Mickey, played by Sean Jones, he is wearing scruffy knee-length shorts, a large green pullover tank-top which is too big and has holes, over a brown short-sleeved t-shirt. He has baggy grey socks and brown canvas trainers. He is also covered in mud.

Q. Who is the most important person in Blood Brothers?

The main characters in Blood Brothers are the twins Mickey Johnstone and Edward Lyons, and their mothers Mrs Johnstone and Mrs Lyons. Mickey and Edward’s friend Linda, who becomes Mickey’s wife, is also an important character.

Q. How do Linda and Mickey finally get together?

Just before Edward leaves for university he makes sure Mickey and Linda get together. Linda becomes pregnant and she and Mickey marry and move in with Mrs Johnstone. Mickey loses his job and is persuaded by Sammy to help with a garage robbery. Sammy shoots the garage attendant and Mickey gets seven years in prison.

Q. What swear word does Edward use on his mother?

Mickey calls round to see Edward but Mrs Lyons sends him away, saying it is Edward’s bedtime. Mrs Lyons realises who Mickey is and scolds Edward for playing with him. Upset and angry, Edward swears inexpertly at his mother. Mrs Lyons hits Edward ‘instinctively’ (p.

Q. What does Mrs Johnstone represent in Blood Brothers?

The biological mother of Mickey and Edward (as well as a horde of other children, including Sammy and Donna Marie), Mrs. Johnstone is a deeply superstitious woman who is forever scrambling to get by, but has a good heart and a strong sense of right and wrong.

Q. Why is Mrs Johnstone poor?

Her superstitions and lack of education enable her employer to take advantage of her. Mrs Johnstone’s poor judgement is also shown in her buying things from the catalogue that she cannot afford. Although Mrs Johnstone is very loving, she does not have control over her children and they cause a lot of trouble.

Q. Can Mrs Lyons have children?

In the 1950s and 1960s, it was still common for the husband to work while his wife stayed at home to look after the house and children. Mrs Lyons doesn’t work, but she has a cleaner, and no children. At first, we feel sorry for her, because she can’t have children and her husband is distant and unsupportive.

Q. Why is Marilyn Monroe repeated in Blood Brothers?

Marilyn Monroe features as a symbol throughout Blood Brothers. Earlier on, she represents freedom and sexiness but towards the end of the play she stands for depression and early death, as her life spiralled out of control, leading to her becoming dependent on prescription medication and dying of an overdose.

Q. What does the devil’s got your number mean?

Blood Brothers Key Quotes. • You never put new shoes on the table” • “But y’know the devil’s got your number.” The narrator suggests the mothers will be cursed for their unnatural agreement.

Q. What is the name of Mrs Johnstone’s first child?

Mrs. Johnstone has the twins, and names the two children Michael (known as Mickey throughout the play) and Edward in 1963, but then regrets having agreed to give one away (“Easy Terms”). After keeping her deal with Mrs. Lyons, she lies to her other children, saying that the other baby had died and gone to heaven.

Q. What does dancing represent in Blood Brothers?

The act of dancing, for example, is used to suggest happiness. At the beginning of Act One, Mrs Johnstone recalls dancing with her husband when they first met and at their wedding. Significantly the dancing stopped when her children were born.

Q. What is the importance of the narrator in Blood Brothers?

The Narrator serves several purposes in the play. He acts as a social conscience, drawing the audience’s attention to the rights and wrongs of characters’ actions. He also reminds the audience of the mothers’ guilt and the twins’ inevitable death.

Q. What are the main themes in Blood Brothers?

The main themes include:

  • social class and inequality.
  • superstition and fate.
  • violence.

Q. What religion is Mrs Johnstone?

Roman Catholic

Q. Why do we feel sorry for Mrs Johnstone?

Johnston with the terrible deed that she committed by strongly stating the fact that “you sold your baby” and labels the whole act as a “crime”. We, the audience sympathize with Mrs. Johnston because she has lost her job and is now unable to provide for her children.

Q. Is Blood Brothers a true story?

A prank by a couple of rich kids and their socially inferior playmate leads to murder in “Blood Brothers,” a surprisingly uncompelling drama, based on a true story, from freshman helmer Arno Dierickx.

Q. Who is to blame for the death of the twins in Blood Brothers?

Linda and her affair with Edward carry much responsibility for the deaths of the twins.

Q. Why is blood brothers a tragedy?

In conclusion, the tragedy occurs because Mrs Lyons tries to separated Edward and Michael. As they got older problems happen as she tries to break their relationship and this leads to the death of Edward and Michael. The moral of this story is blood is thicker then water.

Q. Why does Mrs Lyons find her house rather large?

It’s a pretty house, isn’t it? It’s a pity it’s so big. I’m finding it rather large at present. We bought such a large house for the – for the children – we thought children would come along.

Q. How long was Mr Lyons away for?

Mrs Lyons is a very lonely woman, who is the opposite of her employee Mrs Johnstone. At the start of the play, she is alone in her large home as her husband often works away on business – and is away for nine months at this point.

Q. What present does Mr Lyons give to Eddie?

Mr. Lyons gives Edward the present of a toy gun, and then pretends to die. Mrs. Lyons begins to read her husband and son a story, but Mr.

Q. Why does Sammy threaten a bus driver with a knife?

He is presented as anti-social and criminal, threatening a bus conductor with a knife and killing a filling station worker. He has no outlet for his hostile tendencies, he has no job or money.

Q. What crime is Sammy guilty of in Blood Brothers?

The answer is: Shooting someone.

Q. What does Sammy do on the bus?

Sammy is Mickey’s older brother. Mickey admires him and is ultimately led into criminal activity by him.

Q. Does Mickey mean to kill Edward?

Mickey taking the gun and going to find Edward reflects how he has resorted to violence to fight his own lack of control, like Mrs Lyons. However, Mickey shooting Edward is accidental. The repetition of the word explodes reflects the devastating impact that violence has on the play and characters.

Q. What is Mickey and Linda’s child called?

The answer is: Sarah.

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