What are the directions where a straight line extends indefinitely? – Internet Guides
What are the directions where a straight line extends indefinitely?

What are the directions where a straight line extends indefinitely?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat are the directions where a straight line extends indefinitely?

Q. What are the directions where a straight line extends indefinitely?

A Ray is part of a line that has a beginning point, and extends indefinitely to one direction. ray as −−→ AD. A (line) segment is a finite part of a line between two points, called its end points.

Q. What extends infinitely in directions?

A plane is a flat surface made up of points that extends infinitely in all directions.

Q. Which of the following extends infinitely in two directions?

A line is defined as a line of points that extends infinitely in two directions which is shown by the arrowheads. A line is defined by two points on the line and has only one dimension. A line segment is a part of a line that has two defined endpoints.

Q. What part of line that has an endpoint and extends infinitely in one direction?


Q. Is a part of a line which extends in only one direction indefinitely?

Step-by-step explanation: A ray extends indefinitely in one direction, but ends at a single point in the other direction. That point is called the end-point of the ray. Note that a line segment has two end-points, a ray one, and a line none.

Q. What has no size?

Point, Line, Plane and Solid A point has no dimensions. A point really has no size at all!

Q. What does a line with two arrows mean?

Arrows on lines are used to indicate that those lines are parallel. Copyright © Elizabeth Stapel 2010-2011 All Rights Reserved. If there is more than one pair of parallel lines, additional arrow-heads will be used. So this picture shows that p is parallel to q and r is parallel to s.

Q. When two lines are parallel their slopes are?

In other words, the slopes of parallel lines are equal. Note that two lines are parallel if their slopes are equal and they have different y-intercepts. In other words, perpendicular slopes are negative reciprocals of each other.

Q. What is the two point formula?

Since we know two points on the line, we use the two-point form to find its equation. The final equation is in the slope-intercept form, y=mx+b y = m x + b .

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