What are the factors that affect gravity?

What are the factors that affect gravity?

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Q. What are the factors that affect gravity?

Factors That Influence the Strength of Gravity Newton’s law also states that the strength of gravity between any two objects depends on two factors: the masses of the objects and the distance between them. Objects with greater mass have a stronger force of gravity between them.

Q. Does gravity affect work?

If an object falls a certain distance, work will be done on it by the gravitational force that is acting on it. This work will cause the kinetic energy of the object to increase as it falls. It is easy enough to calculate the energy involved.

Q. What causes gravity to work?

Objects with more mass have more gravity. So, the closer objects are to each other, the stronger their gravitational pull is. Earth’s gravity comes from all its mass. All its mass makes a combined gravitational pull on all the mass in your body.

Q. What are the two main factors that affect the force of gravity?

When dealing with the force of gravity between two objects, there are only two things that are important – mass, and distance. The force of gravity depends directly upon the masses of the two objects, and inversely on the square of the distance between them.

Q. What are the two factors affecting force?

Force and Pressure | Short/Long Answer Questions Solution: Factors on which moment of force depends are: (i) The magnitude of the force applied. (ii) The distance of line of action of the force from the axis of rotation.

Q. Why can some people attract others?

According to Sir Isaac Newton, attraction to each other is based on the relation on the mass of the two objects and the distance between them. The greater the mass of the two objects and the shorter the distance between them, the stronger the pull of the gravitational forces they exert on each other.

Q. Does every object attract each other?

Answer Expert Verified. Yes. Every object in this universe attracts another object as per the Newtons’ law of gravitation. If there are two bodies (even as big as planets) with masses M1 kg and M2 kg and they are at distance of d from each other, There is always attraction only.

Q. Can two like charges attract each other?

yes they can attract each other when one of them is very very large than the other then the electrostatic force acting on the two is not due to their initial charges but will be due to the charges produced due to induction. and hence attraction takes place.

Q. Why do 2 masses attract each other?

Two point masses or objects always attract each other because of the presence of gravitational force . gravitational force is a force of attraction between two bodies which is directly proportional to product of there masses and inversely proportional to the squre of the distance between that two particles.

Q. What is value of G?

Its value is 9.8 m/s2 on Earth. That is to say, the acceleration of gravity on the surface of the earth at sea level is 9.8 m/s2. When discussing the acceleration of gravity, it was mentioned that the value of g is dependent upon location.

Q. How is G value calculated?

use the formula: force of gravity = mg, where m is the mass of the object andg is the acceleration of the object due togravity. Since g is always 9.8 m/s^2, just multiply the object’s mass by 9.8 and you’ll get its force of gravity!

Q. What is G called?

G is called Universal Gravitation Constant because its value i.e. 6.67 x 10-11 Nm2kg-2 is constant thought the universe.

Q. Is value of G actually constant?

The measured value of the constant is known with some certainty to four significant digits. In SI units, its value is approximately 6.674×10−11 m3⋅kg−1⋅s−2….Gravitational constant.

Values of GUnits

Q. Where the value of g is maximum?


Q. Why value of g is constant?

The force of attraction between any two unit masses separated by a unit distance is called universal gravitational constant denoted by G measured in Nm2/kg2. The value of the gravitational constant is the same throughout the universe. The value of G is different from g, which denotes the acceleration due to gravity.

Q. What is G and G in physics?

The basic difference between g and G is that ‘g’ is the Gravitational acceleration while ‘G ‘ is the Gravitational constant. The value of g changes with altitude while the value of G remains constant. Gravitational acceleration is the vector quantity and gravitational constant is the scalar quantity.

Q. How many G’s can kill you?

Changes in speed are expressed in multiples of gravitational acceleration, or ‘G’. Most of us can withstand up to 4-6G. Fighter pilots can manage up to about 9G for a second or two. But sustained G-forces of even 6G would be fatal.

Q. What is Big G equal to?

In SI units, G has the value 6.67 × 10-11 Newtons kg-2 m2. The direction of the force is in a straight line between the two bodies and is attractive. Thus, an apple falls from a tree because it feels the gravitational force of the Earth and is therefore subject to “gravity”.

Q. What is the main difference between G and G?

g = 9.8 m.s -2, g is acceleration due to gravity which is a variable quantity and a vector qualtity….question_answer Answers(5)

Acceleration due to gravity ( g )Universal Gravitation Constant ( G )
Value of g=9.8 m/s2Value of G=6.673×10-11 Nm2/kg2

Q. What is the relation between Re and G?

g is the acceleration due to the gravity of any given body in m.s. G is the universal gravitational constant in Nm2.kg. R is the radius of the given body in km. M is the mass of the given body in kg….Thank you.

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Q. What is the difference between G and A?

Answers and Replies a is the general variable for acceleration. g is just one special case since we use it all the time for gravity.

Q. What are the difference between G and G are both of them universal constant?

G is universal gravitation constant whose approximately value is 6.673×10−11 N. On the other hand “g” is accelaration due to gravity whose value is 9.8 meter per second2 .

Q. Is value of g same everywhere Class 9?

No, the value of g is different at different places on the surface of earth. Due to which the radius of the earth is smaller at poles and is larger at equator. Since g is directly proportional to 1/${{R}^{2}}$, therefore the acceleration due to gravity is smaller at equator than that at poles.

Q. What is free fall differentiate between G and G?

Acceleration due to Gravity (g)Universal Gravitational Constant (G)
-> Value of g near earth’s surface is 9.8ms−2 . It may vary from one place yo place .-> Value of G is 6.67×10−11Nm2kg−2 and it is an universal constant
Depends upon the distance between the massesIndependent of the distance between the masses

Q. Where is value of g maximum and minimum?

The centrifugal force for the spinning of earth is maximum at the equator and vanishes at the poles. Thus, the gravitational acceleration (g) is minimum at the equator and it is maximum at the poles.

Q. Does zero gravity exist?

Contrary to popular belief, there’s no such thing as zero gravity. Weightlessness and zero gravity are two different things. The earth’s gravity keeps the moon in orbit. In other words, they’re basically in a state of constant free fall, and that’s why they’re weightless.

Q. Where is value of G minimum?

the equator

Q. Where is the value of g 0?

centre of Earth

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