What are the Pratimoksha vows? – Internet Guides
What are the Pratimoksha vows?

What are the Pratimoksha vows?

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Q. What are the Pratimoksha vows?

The lay pratimokṣa consists of five vows that are also known as the Five Śīlas:

  • To refrain from killing.
  • To refrain from stealing.
  • To refrain from false speech.
  • To refrain from sexual misconduct.
  • To refrain from using intoxicants.

Q. What are the three vows in Buddhism?

While the issue in such doctrinal controversies is the nature of the path to enlightenment, it reflects broader concerns regarding the efficacy and necessity of the three systems of discipline—the three codes or vows: prātimoksa; bodhisattva; and vidyādhara.

Q. Do Buddhist monks take a vow of poverty?

Instead, they began to use the term “religion” for Buddhist beliefs and practices, because the Franciscans recognized monks as their counterparts. Buddhist monks lived in monastic communities, adhered to a life of voluntary poverty, took vows of chastity, preached obedience to commandments, and the like.

Q. What are the four great Bodhisattva vows?

The Four Great Vows ‘ Actually, Kanzeon, the incarnation of mercy and compassion, weeps because she cannot save all beings. Nobody fulfills these ‘Great Vows for All,’ but we vow to fulfill them as best we can. They are our practice.”

Q. What are the 10 precepts?

Buddhist morality is codified in the form of 10 precepts (dasa-sīla), which require abstention from: (1) taking life; (2) taking what is not given; (3) committing sexual misconduct (interpreted as anything less than chastity for the monk and as sexual conduct contrary to proper social norms, such as adultery, for the …

Q. What are the 4 Bodhisattva vows?

Q. What are the 10 perfections in Buddhism?

The ten perfections in the Theravada tradition are (1) generosity (dāna), (2) morality (sīla), (3) renunciation (nekhamma), (4) insight (pañña), (5) energy (viriya), (6) patience (khanti), (7) truthfulness (sacca), (8) resolution (adhiṭṭhāna), (9) loving-kindness (metta), and (10) equanimity (upekkhā).

Q. What does Buddhism say about love?

Accepting a partner for who they are, for who they are throughout their life no matter what changes, and making the best of every situation is how one achieves personal fulfillment in a romantic relationship. The idea of unconditional love is essentially what Buddhism teaches.

Q. Can you be rich and Buddhist?

Owning wealth is not seen as an issue for Buddhists, but they do believe that it can cause dukkha , if it is the focus of greed, and gained through exploitation . However, wealth is also seen as a great opportunity for generosity, which benefits the recipient, and also the giver since it is a good action.

Q. Why did the Dharmaguptaka reject the pratimoksa rules?

The Dharmaguptaka are known to have rejected the authority of the Sarvāstivāda prātimokṣa rules on the grounds that the original teachings of the Buddha had been lost. The Dharmaguptaka used a twelvefold division of the Buddhist teachings, which has been found in their Dīrgha Āgama, their Vinaya, and in some Mahāyāna sūtras.

Q. What does the word Pratimoksha mean in Buddhism?

Pratimoksha means `personal liberation’, and so a Pratimoksha vow is a vow that is motivated mainly by the wish to attain personal liberation. There are Pratimoksha vows that are lay vows and Pratimoksha vows that are ordained vows.

Q. Which is the best description of a Pratimoksha vow?

Pratimoksha vows. Pratimoksha means `personal liberation’, and so a Pratimoksha vow is a vow that is motivated mainly by the wish to attain personal liberation. There are Pratimoksha vows that are lay vows and Pratimoksha vows that are ordained vows.

Q. Who are the Dharmaguptakas and what did they do?

The Mahīśāsakas and Kāśyapīyas appear to have followed them across Asia into China. […] For the earlier period of Chinese Buddhism it was the Dharmaguptakas who constituted the main and most influential school, and even later their Vinaya remained the basis of the discipline there.

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