What can I not feed my sugar glider?

What can I not feed my sugar glider?

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Unsafe Foods for Sugar Gliders

Q. What is a sugar gliders favorite food?

Named for their preference for sweet foods, sugar gliders enjoy drinking nectar and tree sap the wild. They also enjoy fatty foods, such as mealworms and fly pupae. In captivity, they can become obese if they eat too many sweet and fatty foods, which leads to health problems.

Q. What fruits and vegetables can sugar gliders eat?

These include: blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, carrots, spinach, pears, lettuce, collard greens, and beets. It is important to control the amount of fruits and vegetables offered as sugar gliders often will choose these sweet, tastier items over the more nutritious pellets.

  • Fruit (in excess, is high in sugar)
  • Nuts (high fat)
  • Bird Seeds (high fat)
  • Corn (low nutritional value)
  • Lettuce (no nutritional value)
  • Oranges (high citrus)
  • Mealworms (high fat, low calcium)
  • Pork (high sodium)

Q. How often do you feed a sugar glider?

How many times a day do I need to feed my sugar glider? Sugar gliders should be fed their main meal on average: 2 times a day.

Q. Can sugar gliders eat cheerios?

Yes, much healthier than a yogurt drop. They love just about any kind of Cheerios. Cheerios are great as hand fed treats. yay!!

Q. Can sugar gliders eat bacon?

ham, bacon, pork chops, etc…) – while they may not kill your baby – are generally not a good thing for your Sugar Bear’s digestive system.

Q. How often should you bathe a sugar glider?

Your sugar glider should stay clean enough without the need of a bath, whether it is a wet or dry shampoo. Sugar gliders are different from some of our other small mammal pets in that they do not do dust baths and should not need regular bathing by their owners.

Q. What bedding do sugar gliders like?

You do not need bedding in the nest box, but you can add a sleeping pouch or other soft cloth for your sugar glider to cuddle in. Make sure there are no loose threads or loops that the glider could get caught up in (fleece works well) and that the glider is not eating the fabric. No wood shavings should be used.

Q. Why does my sugar glider cage stink?

During puberty around 6 months of age, male gliders develop scent glands on the top of the head and on the chest that may look like a “bald spot”. These scent glands secrete an odor to mark territory or his mate. In order to prevent these scent glands, the male glider must be neutered before he reaches adulthood.

Q. Do Sugar gliders need a heat lamp?

Therefore, if it’s not practical to keep their whole room at at least 75 degrees, then adding a small heat lamp to their cage – in addition to their heat rock – is strongly recommended at least for the first few weeks you have them (or as long as necessary if you like to keep your a little on the colder side).

Q. Can Sugar Gliders overheat?

Absolutely they can overheat. If the pouch is in the cage, they are able to get out if they want and cool off in a wheel or just get some water. If you are dragging your animal around and do not let it choose to come out when it is hot, it may overheat.

Q. How much time should I spend with my sugar glider?

Some nights it’s on and off-in and out of their room while they run free in it but I like to just sit and play too. I usually spend at least two hours playing with them per day. The time of day depends on them, as sometimes they want to play early in the day and sometimes at night.

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