What can you use instead of DeoxIT?

What can you use instead of DeoxIT?

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Q. What can you use instead of DeoxIT?

There are plenty of commercial alternatives on the market, and some folks even claim that a 5% solution of oleic acid in naptha is a suitable DIY substitute for DeoxIt. There are a number of head-to-head comparison videos out there that pit DeoxIt against cheaper rivals, like WD-40.

Q. What is the active ingredient in DeoxIT?

Formulation: 5% DeoxIT® (active ingredient), 75% SOLSTICE® PF, 20% TRANS-1,3,3,3-TETRAFLUO- RO-PROP-1-ENE. May be used where fast evaporation and/or non- am- mability is required, and no dripping is preferred. It is also safe on plastics.

Q. Who makes DeoxIT?

DeoxIT Gold G100L-2DB, 100% Liquid, Brush Applicator Specifications

ManufacturerCAIG Laboratories, Inc.
Brand NameDeoxIT G100L-2DB
MFG. Part NumberG100L-2DB
Container Size7.4 mL (Brush Applicator)

Q. What is a good electrical contact cleaner?

I reviewed the best electronics contact cleaner item by item to find out what is the best option.

  • Hosa D5S-6 – Best electronic cleaner spray.
  • WD-40 – Specialist Best Electrical Contact spray.
  • CRC Contact Cleaner– Best Overall Electronics Contact Cleaner.
  • Max Professional – Best auto electrical contact cleaner.

Q. What is D5 spray?

DeoxIT® D5 is a contact cleaner featuring a deoxidizing solution that acts fast to dissolve oxides, sulfides, and corrosion that forms on metal. 5% DeoxIT® (active ingredient), 75% odorless mineral spirits (carrier solvent), 20% propellant. Temperature Range, -34 C (-29 F) to +200 C (400 F)

Q. What is the difference between DeoxIT D5 and D100?

Due to its added propellant, DeoxIT D5 is briefly flammable, whereas D100 is non-flammable. DeoxIT D5 does, however, offer more flushing action to remove debris. D100 has no solvents, making it a gentler choice that offers more lubrication. The lack of propellant in D100 also makes it more environmentally friendly.

Q. Can you spray DeoxIT on circuit board?

Is the 100% liquid solution safe on plastics/circuit boards? For the most part, all of the sprays are safe on plastics; however, there are some considerations to think about for each specific job. All of the DeoxIT® 100% products are safe on plastics.

Q. Can you use WD40 on a crossfader?

Crossfader. Some people/websites recommend using WD40 for cleaning the crossfader of dust and particles… DO NOT USE WD40! It may work for a few minutes/days/hours after having put it in, but in the end it will go sticky and not only restrict movement in some way, but also attract more dust!

Q. How do you use DeoxIT gold?

On surfaces that have been in service or have visual signs of oxidation or corrosion pre-treat with DeoxIT® D-Series contact cleaner. Apply a small amount to the metal contact/connector surface. Operate the part/device to help distribute the DeoxIT® Gold and break up minor amounts of oxides and contamination.

Q. Can you use wd40 as contact cleaner?

WD-40 (or 3-in-1 oil) work extremely well as contact cleaner. The problem is, if used in environments where there could be dust, the oil residue causes dist to stick and creates more problems that you started with.

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What can you use instead of DeoxIT?.
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