What causes color in a mineral sample?

What causes color in a mineral sample?

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Q. What causes color in a mineral sample?

Color in minerals is caused by the absorption, or lack of absorption, of various wavelengths of light. The energy state of the electron is related to the wavelength that it absorbs. The bonding in this element affects the energy state of these electrons. Therefore bonds to different elements produce different colors.

Q. What is the cause of Colour in rocks?

With the exception of gray and black, which mostly results from partially decayed organic matter, most rock colors are the result of iron staining. Ferric iron (Fe+3) produces red, purple, and yellow colors (from minerals like hematite and limonite). Ferrous iron (Fe+2) produces greenish colors.

Q. What is the strongest part of the body?

The strongest muscle based on its weight is the masseter. With all muscles of the jaw working together it can close the teeth with a force as great as 55 pounds (25 kilograms) on the incisors or 200 pounds (90.7 kilograms) on the molars. The uterus sits in the lower pelvic region.

Q. Where is the softest bone located?

It is located in your thigh. Clavicle or the collar bone is the softest and weakest bone in the body.

Q. What bone takes the longest to heal?

The femur — your thigh bone — is the largest and strongest bone in your body. When the femur breaks, it takes a long time to heal. Breaking your femur can make everyday tasks much more difficult because it’s one of the main bones used to walk.

Q. What injury takes the longest to heal?

Average Healing Times for Common Injuries

  • Nerves typically take the longest, healing after 3-4 months.
  • Cartilage takes about 12 weeks to heal.
  • Ligaments take about 10-12 weeks to heal.
  • Bones take about 6-8 weeks to heal on average.

Q. What is the slowest healing bone?

Unfortunately, the scaphoid bone has a track record of being the slowest or one of hardest bones to heal.

Q. What’s the worst injury to have?

5 of the Worst Sports Injuries An Athlete Could Encounter

  • Severe Concussion. Concussions are common with athletes and are a devastating injury that can affect the motor function both in the short term and long term.
  • Torn ACL.
  • Torn Ulnar Lateral Ligament.
  • Broken Leg.
  • Fractured Vertebrae.

Q. What is the most painful injury?

Broken bones Fractures of the ankle, hip, arm and nose are among the most painful of all injuries. Small breaks are less painful, but larger ones can lead to agony, especially if the person tries to move.

Q. What’s the worst pain a human can experience?

The full list, in no particular order, is as follows:

  • Shingles.
  • Cluster headaches.
  • Frozen shoulder.
  • Broken bones.
  • Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
  • Heart attack.
  • Slipped disc.
  • Sickle cell disease.

Q. What is more painful passing a kidney stone or giving birth?

Childbirth is well known as one of the most painful experiences that humans can have. However, the pain of having a kidney stone is considered to be comparable. In fact, some people have rated the pain of a kidney stone as being worse than that of childbirth.

Q. What hurts more kidney stones or getting kicked in the balls?

If being kicked in the nads (testicles) is rated at 9,000 dels of pain, then passing kidney stones should be at least twice as painful. Getting kicked in the nads would be like fracturing 3200 bones at the same time or delivering 160 kids at once!

Q. What is the pain equivalent to giving birth?

While the experience is different for everyone, labor usually feels like extremely strong menstrual cramps that take your breath away and make you unable to talk. As labor continues and the pain worsens, the pregnant person tunes out stimuli and adopts a tunnel vision, focusing on the labor and getting the baby out.

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