What cellular process does a mitochondria perform for the cell?

What cellular process does a mitochondria perform for the cell?

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Q. What cellular process does a mitochondria perform for the cell?

Mitochondria have an important role in cellular respiration through the production of ATP, using chemical energy found in glucose and other nutrients. Mitochondria are also responsible for generating clusters of iron and sulfur, which are important cofactors of many enzymes.

Q. What two processes take place in the mitochondria?

The three processes of ATP production include glycolysis, the tricarboxylic acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation. In eukaryotic cells the latter two processes occur within mitochondria.

Q. Where in the mitochondria does aerobic respiration occur?

Mitochondria are organelles whose membranes are specialized for aerobic respiration. The matrix of the mitochondria is the site of Krebs Cycle reactions.

Q. What is found in the double membrane of mitochondria?

Cardiolipin is an unusual “double” phospholipid, containing four fatty acid chains, that is found primarily in the inner mitochondrial membrane.

Q. How do you use powerhouse in a sentence?


  1. Germany is an economic powerhouse.
  2. She’s a powerhouse of original ideas and solutions.
  3. The university is no longer the academic powerhouse that it once was.
  4. Abzug, a powerhouse of the feminist movement for four decades, served three rambunctious terms in the House in the 1970s.

Q. Which is the true sentence for power plant?

The diversion dam, the power canal, and the first unit of the power plant were completed in 1909. from the falls of the north fork of the Nooksack river, where there is a power plant which furnishes 3500 horsepower. The compound was a nuclear power plant . adsorbent materials in real power plant environments.

Q. What was the first source of electricity?

The first source of energy was the sun, as it provided heat and light during the day. People rose and slept with the light, relied on wood and dung burning for heat, and water power to generate basic mills.

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What cellular process does a mitochondria perform for the cell?.
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