What did Greek sailors used to help them steer their ships? – Internet Guides
What did Greek sailors used to help them steer their ships?

What did Greek sailors used to help them steer their ships?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat did Greek sailors used to help them steer their ships?

What did Greek sailors use to help them steer their ships? Stars guided them.

Q. Did the Greeks fight each other?

Only the threat of invasion by a foreign enemy made the Greeks forget their quarrels and fight on the same side. Their biggest enemy were the Persians, who came from an area around modern day Iran. In the end, it was the Greeks who conquered Persia, when Alexander the Great defeated the Persian Empire in the 330s.

Q. How did ancient Greek colonies affect other places?

They spread the Greek culture over a wide area. How did ancient Greek colonies affect other places? Those locations were chosen for their natural harbors and good farmland. The colonies needed to trade by sea with mainland greece.

Q. What God did Greek sailors pray to before leaving port?

god Poseidon

Q. What was a Greek soldier called?


Q. What were Greek warships called?


Q. What is Sparta called now?


Q. What were the largest Greek warships called?


Q. Who are stronger Vikings or Spartans?

The Spartans were better drilled as a fighting force than their Viking counterparts. As a unit the Spartans would have fought better against an organised Viking force. If it came to a one on one fight, the Viking warrior would have beaten the Spartan warrior as his weaponry was superior in a stand up contest.

Q. Are Spartans stronger than Romans?

It really depends on individual’s skills. Romans had 25 years of training while spartan agoge was 16 years. However, Spartans arguable trained harder than romans. That being said, an equally sized cohort of legionaries would probably defeat equally sized spartans.

Q. How many did Spartan 300 kill?


Q. Is the movie 300 historically accurate?

So 300 is not an accurate film, as that is not how the Battle of Thermopylae played out, but it is arguably the film that the ancient Greeks would have made 2500 years ago if they had the technology equipment, a massive budget, and a Spartan Gerald Butler with polished abs.

Q. Why did King Darius ask for Greek earth and water?

Greeks had established wealthy settlements in Ionia. Why did King Darius ask for presents of Greek earth and water? Such gifts would mean that the Greeks had accepted Persian rule.

Q. What factors caused the rise of Persia?

Most of the credit of the rise of the Persian Empire was due to the first Achaemenid Emperor, Cyrus the Great. He founded Persia after he united the Medes and the Persians to build a great Empire.

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What did Greek sailors used to help them steer their ships?.
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