What did the poor peasant offer the blind beggar?

What did the poor peasant offer the blind beggar?

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Answer. As the peasant passed by the beggar, he was deeply moved by his pitiable condition. He offered the blind beggar his sincere sympathy; he knelt, and holding his palms in his own hands, he motivated the beggar to be strong and believe in God’s goodness.

Q. Why do you think Mahatma Gandhi decided to speak in Hindi as a matter of principal?

Answer. Answer: Mahatama Gandhi decided to speak Hindi as a matter a principal as Hindi language is out mother tongue. After Independence, India was geographically divided on the basis of language, thereby forming linguistic states with each state having its own primary language.

Q. Who visited the blind peasant one day?

One day a strange faqir visited the blind peasant and said that he could see again if the ash of the eyes of a particular fish could be arranged and rubbed in his eyes.

Q. What did the poor peasant of the blind beggar?

Answer: Ans: The poor peasant offered the blind beggar sincere pity and love.

Q. What did the poor peasant offer the blind beggar answer?

The peasant offered comfort and courage to a blind miserable beggar, whom all had ignored. The priests announced that the one who loved God most of all would receive the gift from Heaven. A simple peasant, who had nothing to offer, came to that temple.

Q. What could claim the plate of gold?

1. Who could claim the plate of gold? Ans. The person who loveth best i.e. one who loves God, could claim the plate.

Q. What happened when the peasant took the plate of gold?

So, they gave him the plate of gold but when he took it in his hand, it turned to worthless lead, though, when he dropped it in his amazement on to the floor, it became gold again. At last a simple peasant who had heard nothing about the plate of gold, came.

Q. What is the central idea of the poem the plate of gold?

The poem ‘The Plate of Gold’ has a divine message for all the readers who read it. The message is as follows: God’s omniscient eyes are looking the deeds of each and every human being on earth. God’s heavenly reward is only for those who truly and sincerely love their fellow brethren and sisters.

Q. What is the tone of the poem the plate of gold?

Q. What happened to the plate when the poor farmer touched it?

Explanation: At last a simple peasant who had heard nothing about the plate of gold, came. He was so touched by the sight of the miserable beggars that he wept. When this peasant came to the temple, he was shocked to find it full of men boasting of their kind deeds and quarelling with the priests.

Q. What was written on the gold plate that fell from the sky?

One day a wonderful plate made of gold fell from Heaven into the court of a temple at Benares; and on the plate these words were inscribed: “A gift from Heaven to him who loves best.” The priests at once made a proclamation that every day at twelve o’clock, all who would like to claim the plate should assemble at the …

Q. Why had God chosen the simple peasant the most deserving of the plate of gold?

Answer: The simple peasant offered the blind beggar sincere sympathy and love, which came from the depth of his heart. He had no hidden motive for what he did. Hence God chose him as the most deserving of the plate of gold.

Q. Which two sayings about God are conveyed through the poem the plate of gold?

Which two sayings about God are conveyed through the poem ‘The Plate of Gold’? God loves those, who love their fellow beings. God loves those, who give away their wealth, to please Him. Service to mankind is service to God.

Q. Who is the poet of the plate of gold?

James Henry Leigh Hunt

Q. Who was awarded the plate?

When this peasant came to the temple, he was shocked to find it full of men boasting of their kind deeds and quarelling with the priests. One priest, who held the golden plate in his hand, seeing the peasant standing there, beckoned to him. The peasant came, and knowing nothing about the plate, took it in his hands.

Q. What was written on the plate?

One day a wonderful plate made of gold fell from Heaven into the court of a temple at Benares. On the plate were inscribed these words “ A gift from Heaven to him who loves the best.

Q. Why has God chosen the simple peasant?

It was written on the plate that it was a gift from heaven to him who loved the most. People from all walks of life would assemble to claim the plate as the priests had proclaimed that it would be bestowed on the one who would prove to be the most merciful and virtuous of the lot.

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What did the poor peasant offer the blind beggar?.
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