What do cheetahs like Scribblenauts? – Internet Guides
What do cheetahs like Scribblenauts?

What do cheetahs like Scribblenauts?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat do cheetahs like Scribblenauts?

The leprechaun would like gold, anything that is edited to be green, or anything that is edited to be gold. The cheetah prefers a spotted object to be on Maxwell, though the adjective “fast” also suffices.

Q. How do you make it nighttime in Scribblenauts?


  1. Spawn a Moon or a Full Moon.
  2. Shoot it with a Tranquilizer Gun.
  3. Use a Potion with adjectives like Sleepy.
  4. Give him something a lion would eat like meat (including small live animals).
  5. Create an anesthesiologist to put him to sleep.

Q. How do you put the boy to sleep in Scribblenauts Remix?

First the player needs to put the boy to sleep. Spawn in a Sleeping Pill, Teddy Bear, Pajamas, Milk, or a Storybook. After putting the boy to sleep, steer Maxwell towards the boy’s tooth and pick it up. Take the tooth to the other room to complete this part.

Q. What can defeat a Shambler?

While you can certainly use any firearm to kill the Shambler, I had the most success using the Trap Mine in combination with either the rifle or Hunting Pistol. Both deal high damage, allowing you to quickly bring this enemy down.

Q. Can you shiv a Shambler?

Sadly, the answer is no. You can’t shiv these bad guys to death. You’re either going to have to sneak past these jerks or shoot them with loud weaponry. A arrow or suppressed pistol shot to head won’t kill it either, at least on moderate difficulty and higher.

Q. Should I fight the Shambler?

The Shambler is easily more dangerous than most bosses, meaning it’s usually better to avoid fighting it. If you decide to spawn it from an altar, you should probably wait until you’ve finished the quest, as you’ll likely be in no condition to continue afterwards.

Q. Can you stealth kill stalkers Last of Us 2?

Although Runners are stronger in The Last of Us Part II than they are in the original game, they’re still not too threatening. You can use your gun, melee, or stealth to take them down.

Q. Can stalkers see flashlight Last of Us 2?

They won’t see the flashlight from a great distance or usually if you hit them on their back (like the light passing by them on the walls won’t trigger them) but if they are looking in your direction the flashlight will set them off. …

Q. Can you see stalkers in listen mode?

Stalkers rarely appear clearly within the Listening Mode, so you’ll just have to prepare for the worst. Also, focus on upgrading your Listening Mode. This can be done using Training Manuals, allowing you to hear more and see the figures heard with greater clarity.

Q. Can you stealth kill clickers Last of Us 2 grounded?

Take note that Clickers are completely blind, and they will not be able to spot you even up close, so it is possible to Stealth Kill a Clicker even when they are facing you.

Q. Can Ellie kill clickers?

The Last of Us: Part 2 has scrapped shivs, allowing Ellie to score a stealth kill on clickers whenever she wants with her unbreakable switchblade. To offset this convenience, Naughty Dog has made it tougher to catch a clicker unaware.

Q. Can Abby kill clickers without Shiv?

Getting caught by a clicker may result in instant death – it may turn out that the grab is deadly. In case of Abby, you can only escape if you have at least one shiv on the ready.

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What do cheetahs like Scribblenauts?.
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