What do cupquake and red do in Cloud 9?

What do cupquake and red do in Cloud 9?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat do cupquake and red do in Cloud 9?

Q. What do cupquake and red do in Cloud 9?

Cloud 9 is a two-player Minecraft series that shows Cupquake and Red exploring various Minecraft mods. In season 1, the first few episodes focused on the Aether II mod, but because of high recommendation of the fans, they decided to start playing the Twilight Forest and Hexxit mods.

Q. How often do you get a new episode of cupquake?

Cupquake posts a new episode every Monday, Wednesday, and on Saturday. In the overworld, they intially had a small house until they made an expansion. On the bottom floor, it has their kitchen and a very large chest room with an enchantment room. Upstairs, they have their bedroom, and a small netherwart farm with all of their potions.

Q. What kind of person is ihascupquake from YouTube?

She is of Mexican descent and her husband is Salvadorian. She has been the subject of several memes. YouTube made for her a comments book with inspiring art which is actually pretty special to her and many of her fanbase.

Q. What are some swearing words that ihascupquake has said?

Usually, the swearing words are words that are commonly found normal such as “crap” or “hell”. She has once said the “F-word” and has said the “S-word” on a handful of occasions in her videos. iHascupquake joined YouTube on August 19, 2010.

Q. When does Cloud 9 Season 2 come out?

Season 2 ended on the 100th episode on November 16th, 2014. In the episode, they showed flashbacks of their favorite moments in the season. ihasCupquake and RedB15 released the pilot episode of Cloud 9 Season 3 on June 29.

Q. What kind of mods are in Cloud 9?

Cloud 9 uses mods from the Hexxit mod pack. A full list of mods can be found on the official website. The texture pack for Cloud 9 is called “Sphax PureBDcraft 64×64.” It can be found on the website BDcraft.

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What do cupquake and red do in Cloud 9?.
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