What do the Volga River and the Volga River basin provide?

What do the Volga River and the Volga River basin provide?

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The Volga River is the longest river in Europe. Its basin lies entirely within the Russian federation. Over half of Russia’s industry is located within its drainage. Because of the building of dams for hydroelectric power, the Volga is navigable for most of it’s 2,293 km (3,692m) length.

Q. What is River Volga used for?

The Volga drains most of Western Russia. Its many large reservoirs provide irrigation and hydroelectric power. The Moscow Canal, the Volga–Don Canal, and the Volga–Baltic Waterway form navigable waterways connecting Moscow to the White Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Caspian Sea, the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea.

Q. What is unique about the Volga River?

The Volga River is the longest river in Europe. The river is 3,692 kilometers (2,294 miles) long and is located entirely in Russia. It is also Europe’s largest river in terms of discharge and watershed. The average flow rate of the Volga River is 8,060 cubic meters (284,636 cubic feet) per second.

Q. Why is the Volga River so polluted?

Pollution in parts of the Volga, the longest river in Europe, has reached a critical level. Raw sewage has been pumped into it and it is further contaminated by thousands of wrecks that lie on its bed, the Kremlin has said.

Q. What are the problems with using the Volga River?

Forests along the river are being cut, affecting runoff. Smaller rivers feeding the Volga are drying up. Like the Mississippi, there are looming problems with decreasing water levels and stagnant, tainted reservoirs. Trash is the bane of the Volga shoreline.

Q. Which river is considered the heart of the Ukraine?

The Dnieper River in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine
Dnieper River drainage basin
Native name Днепр (Russian) Дняпро (Belarusian) Дніпро (Ukrainian)

Q. How safe is Dnipro?

Crime rates in Dnipro, Ukraine

Level of crime 56.59 Moderate
Crime increasing in the past 3 years 67.20 High
Worries home broken and things stolen 51.07 Moderate
Worries being mugged or robbed 47.52 Moderate
Worries car stolen 49.99 Moderate

Q. Is the Dnieper River radioactive?

In the other areas of Ukraine adjacent to the middle reaches of the Dnieper River, uranium mining and milling facilities have been in operation since 1948 which have left substantial tailings containing naturally occurring radioactive materials.

Q. What is the name of the sea to the south of Ukraine?

The Black Sea

Q. Are there sharks in the Sea of Azov?

There are much more shark species in the Pacific seas, than in Atlantic, but it’s also possible to meet a couple representatives of these predatory species in the Black sea, the Baltic sea and the Sea of Azov. There is first of all a spurdog, which was already mentioned in the first part of the story.

Q. Is Ukraine a poor country?

With a per capita GDP of $2,639, Ukraine is the second-poorest country in Europe. Ukraine had the second-largest economy in the USSR; however, after its collapse, Ukraine had difficulty transitioning into a market economy, sending much of the population into poverty.

Q. Why is it called the Black Sea?

Why is the Black Sea black? The sea was first named by the ancient Greeks who called it “Inhospitable Sea.” The sea got this reputation because it was difficult to navigate, and hostile tribes inhabited its shores.

Q. Can you swim in the Sea of Azov?

The landscape features have made the Sea of Azov a unique place for families with children : the shallow sea, warm and rich in its biological content. The water warms up very quickly, and you can swim at the end of May.

Q. How deep is the Sea of Azov?

14 m

Q. What countries are on the Sea of Azov?

Sea of Azov
Primary inflows Don and Kuban
Basin countries Russia and Ukraine
Max. length 360 km (220 mi)
Max. width 180 km (110 mi)

Q. Does the Sea of Azov freeze?

In winter the Sea of Azov freezes over for from two months (at the Kerch Strait) to four months (at Tahanrih). The normal salinity is 11–13 percent.

Q. Is Black Sea a lake?

According to a number of marine geologists, the Black Sea was a freshwater lake around 7,000 years ago before a rise of water in the Mediterranean Sea caused the entry of salt water into the lake.

Q. What is the largest city in Crimea where is it located?


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