What does a collapsing cloud do as it shrinks?

What does a collapsing cloud do as it shrinks?

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HEATING: The temperature of the solar nebula increases as it collapses. As the cloud shrinks, its gravitational potential energy is converted to the kinetic energy of individual gas particles falling inward. These particles crash into one another, converting their kinetic energy into thermal energy.

Q. What is the leading hypothesis for the origin of the moon quizlet?

What is the leading hypothesis for the origin of the Moon? It formed from the material ejected from Earth in a giant impact.

Q. Which of the following is not a line of evidence supporting the hypothesis that our Moon formed?

Astronomy Midterm

Which of the following is not a line of evidence supporting the hypothesis that our Moon formed as a result of a giant impact?The Pacific Ocean appears to be a large crater – probably the one made by the giant impact.

Q. Why did the solar nebula shrank in size?

As the cloud shrank, its gravitational potential energy was converted to kinetic energy and then into thermal energy. A) The interstellar cloud from which the solar nebula formed was originally somewhat flat. B) The force of gravity pulled the material downward into a flat disk.

Q. What is solar nebula theory?

The solar nebular hypothesis describes the formation of our solar system from a nebula cloud made from a collection of dust and gas. It is believed that the sun, planets, moons, and asteroids were formed around the same time around 4.5 billion years ago from a nebula.

Q. What was the first line of the solar system?

The order of the planets in the solar system, starting nearest the sun and working outward is the following: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and then the possible Planet Nine. If you insist on including Pluto, it would come after Neptune on the list.

Q. Why is Venus hot and Mars cold?

Venus has too much greenhouse gas in its atmosphere, making it too hot. Mars has too little greenhouse gas in its atmosphere, making it too cold. The Earth has the right amount of greenhouse gas to maintain moderate temperatures.

Q. Which planet rotates the slowest on its axis?


Q. Does moon have oxygen?

The lunar surface and interior, however, are virtually devoid of oxygen, so pristine metallic iron is prevalent on the Moon and highly oxidized iron has not been confirmed in samples returned from the Apollo missions.

Q. How fast do you die in space?

Without air in your lungs, blood will stop sending oxygen to your brain. You’ll pass out after about 15 seconds. 90 seconds after exposure, you’ll die from asphyxiation. It’s also very cold in space.

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What does a collapsing cloud do as it shrinks?.
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