What does a cookie girl mean?

What does a cookie girl mean?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat does a cookie girl mean?

Informal. dear; sweetheart (a term of address, usually connoting affection). Slang. a person: a smart cookie; a tough cookie. an alluring young woman.

lacking individuality; stereotyped or formulaic: a novel filled with cookie-cutter characters.

(rhetorical question, sarcastic) A phrase sometimes given as a retort to someone who has done something unsurprising or unimpressive and has seen fit to inform one of having done so.

A sarcastic response to one who is excited about or seeks praise for a minor, insignificant, or unimpressive accomplishment.

Cookies are small text files containing a string of characters that can be placed on your computer or mobile device that uniquely identifies your browser or device. Cookies can also help ensure marketing you see online is more relevant to you and your interests.

Q. What does Cookies mean for drugs?

Drug slang A regional term for crack.

a kitchen utensil used to cut a sheet of cookie dough into desired shapes before baking. (1) There is no cookie-cutter solution to climate change impacts. (2) However, not everyone could fit the cookie-cutter mold. (3) And that’s good — we don’t want cookie-cutter approaches here.

What is the opposite of cookie-cutter?

unrepresentativeway out

“Cookie” is short for “girl scout cookie” (a type of weed) Hotbox means to smoke weed in a car with the windows up so the car fills with smoke.

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