What does a Yacker Tracker do?

What does a Yacker Tracker do?

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Q. What does a Yacker Tracker do?

The Yacker Tracker® appears to be a traffic signal but actually signals too much noise in a room. The Yacker Tracker 402242 is simple to use because one needs only to select the appropriate sound level for any given situation and let the Yacker Tracker be an audio-visual reminder when the noise level gets too high.

Q. How much is the Yacker Tracker?

Yacker Tracker Deluxe Noise Level Monitor, LED, 17 Inches

List Price:$173.09 Details
You Save:$13.10 (8%)

Q. What is a noise monitoring device?

Noise monitoring devices can detect excessive noise and sometimes other warning signs of a party without breaking any privacy laws. Their sensors measure sound levels by calculating the pressure of sound waves in the air.

Q. What Colour are the traffic lights?

The Reason Traffic Lights Are Red, Yellow, and Green Red means “stop,” green means “go,” and yellow means “hurry up and make that damn light.” Why those colors, though?

Q. What is a yacker?

(informal) One who talks at length. noun.

Q. What is level of noise?

Noise level is measured in decibels (dB). The louder the noise, the higher the decibels. Noise level is thus described in decibels A (dBA). The effects of noise vary with the noise to which a person is exposed. Prolonged exposure to loud noises (75 dBA over eight hours a day for years) can lead to hearing loss.

Q. How much does noise Aware cost?

NoiseAware charges a one-time hardware and annual software cost. Each sensor costs $99 for the hardware with an annual fee of $99 for ongoing monitoring. A sensor covers a property’s “activity zones”, areas in your property where guest may congregate and cause noise issues.

Q. How do I monitor noise levels?

The following table can be used to determine noise level due to the noise source. For example if the total noise level is 97 dB and the background noise is 90 dB, the noise due to source is 96 dB (97-1).

Q. What 3 colors are in a traffic light?

The Reason Traffic Lights Are Red, Yellow, and Green

  • Red is an inherited symbol from railroads.
  • Green meant “caution” at first.
  • Yellow means “caution” because it’s almost as easy to see as red.

Q. Are traffic lights orange or yellow?

English – U.S. In the U.S. they are not pure yellow but they are not a deep orange either. The common term is yellow. “You should have stopped when that light turned yellow.”

Q. What does a pit yacker mean?

Filters. (Geordie) Someone who speaks pitmatic. noun. (Geordie, pejorative) A term of abuse directed at inhabitants of mining villages of Northumberland.

Q. Is the Yacker tracker really a traffic signal?

The Yacker Tracker appears to be a traffic signal, but actually signals too much noise. Just select the appropriate level of noise for any given situation and let the Yacker Tracker be a visual and audio reminder when the noise level gets too high!

Q. How big is the Yacker tracker for kids?

Just select the appropriate level of noise for any given situation and let the Yacker Tracker be a visual and audio reminder when the noise level gets too high! Aim: To provide a visual signal of too much noise for children and students of all age levels. 17″H x 5 1/2″W x 5″D. Sold as Single Unit.

Q. Is there a remote control for the Yacker tracker?

Same great features as the original Yacker Tracker® now with remote! Put an end to climbing up and down to adjust the volume, now you can hang your Deluxe Yacker Tracker® anywhere and be in complete control! Requires 2 ‘AAA’ batteries, included. Range for remote is up to 20-feet! Intended for adult use in K-12 grades.

Q. How does a traffic light sound meter work?

Traffic light is computerized with adjustable sound level meter. Red light counter registers each time the red light activates. Push reset button to reset counter to zero. Decibel sensitivity control can be set to operator’s choice. Push button to devrease sensitivity.

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What does a Yacker Tracker do?.
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