What does Abditory mean?

What does Abditory mean?

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Q. What does Abditory mean?

New Word Suggestion. A place for hiding or preserving articles of value.

Q. How do you use Abditory in a sentence?

Up until the date of this writing the file kept by Central Files could not be located within any abditory of the four walls of the building. The taller inspector pulled a folder out of the same abditory aether that had secreted the tea, and handed it over to Lestrade.

Q. What is Latibule?

New Word Suggestion. A small hiding place.

Q. What do u mean by Elysian?

The adjective elysian describes a blissful state, like the one most people hope to enjoy on a Hawaiian vacation. The word elysian comes from the idyllic Greek mythological place called Elysian Fields.

Q. How do you use Abditory?

abditory in a sentence

  1. It appears in the story ” Instead of Evidence “, in which explosive devices were found in an abditory in a factory . ” The Oxford English Dictionary ” notes its first example from 1658, but it has never been in common use .”
  2. It’s difficult to see abditory in a sentence .

Q. What is the meaning of Cocon?

: a covering usually made of silk which some insects (such as caterpillars) make around themselves to protect them while they grow. : something that covers or protects a person or thing. cocoon. verb.

Q. Does Elysian mean creative?

Beautiful or creative
Elysian (Greek) Definition – Beautiful or creative; divinely inspired; peaceful and perfect.

Q. What does Elysian mean in the Bible?

Webster Dictionary Elysianadjective. pertaining, or the abode of the blessed after death; hence, yielding the highest pleasures; exceedingly delightful; beatific.

Q. What is cocoon in Tagalog?

Translation for word Cocoon in Tagalog is : bahay-uod.

Q. What is Mulberry?

1 : any of a genus (Morus of the family Moraceae, the mulberry family) of trees with an edible usually purple multiple fruit that is an aggregate of juicy one-seeded drupes also : the fruit. 2 : a dark purple or purplish black.

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