What does discursive mean in Lord of the Flies?

What does discursive mean in Lord of the Flies?

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Q. What does discursive mean in Lord of the Flies?

used in Lord of the Flies. only 1 use. digressing (departing from the main point) proceeding to a conclusion by reason rather than intuition; e.g., a discursive essay.

Q. What does it mean by discursive?

1a : moving from topic to topic without order : rambling gave a discursive lecture discursive prose. b : proceeding coherently from topic to topic. 2 philosophy : marked by a method of resolving complex expressions into simpler or more basic ones : marked by analytical reasoning.

Q. What is the meaning of discursive writing?

adjective. If a style of writing is discursive, it includes a lot of facts or opinions that are not necessarily relevant. [formal] …a livelier, more candid and more discursive treatment of the subject. Synonyms: digressive, loose, rambling, roundabout More Synonyms of discursive.

Q. What does tacitly mean in Lord of the Flies?

tacit. implied by or inferred from actions or statements. “There had grown up tacitly among the biguns the opinion that Piggy was an outsider.”

Q. What does discursive mean in sociology?

Discursive sociology focuses on the interpretive systems and practices through which members deal with behavior. The crucial feature of the discursive approach is that behavior is viewed as meaningful by virtue of its articulation with a system of discourse rather than by virtue of its being “meant” or motivated.

Q. What is discursive element?

In spite of their apparent neutrality, indicators can be seen as discursive elements. In that they bear specific values and knowledge claims that (as discourses) frame a problem and its solutions in a particular way.

Q. What is discursive discourse?

In Foucault the term “discourse” refers to knowledge, what is “within the true”,6 rather than to language. Hence discursive practices are the practices of discourses—which is why they are called discursive practices—rather than language in use or how people “practise discourse”, i.e.—write or speak.

Q. What is the purpose of a discursive text?

Discursive texts are those whose primary focus is to explore an idea or variety of topics. These texts involve the discussion of an idea(s) or opinion(s) without the direct intention of persuading the reader, listener or viewer to adopt any single point of view.

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What does discursive mean in Lord of the Flies?.
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