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What does elaboration mean?

What does elaboration mean?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat does elaboration mean?

Elaboration is the act of adding more information to existing information to create a more complex, emergent whole. Elaboration may involve planning or executing a task with painstaking attention to numerous parts or details.

Q. What does lugging mean?

verb lugs, lugging or lugged to carry or drag (something heavy) with great effort. (tr) to introduce (an irrelevant topic) into a conversation or discussion.

Q. What are the two appropriate meanings of evidence?

1a : an outward sign : indication. b : something that furnishes proof : testimony specifically : something legally submitted to a tribunal to ascertain the truth of a matter. 2 : one who bears witness especially : one who voluntarily confesses a crime and testifies for the prosecution against one’s accomplices.

Q. What is an evidence in an argument?

In argument, evidence refers to facts, documentation or testimony used to strengthen a claim, support an argument or reach a conclusion.

Q. What’s a reasoning?

: the process of thinking about something in a logical way in order to form a conclusion or judgment. : the ability of the mind to think and understand things in a logical way.

Q. What’s another word for logically?

In this page you can discover 16 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for logically, like: rationally, by logic, by reason, inevitably, reasonably, illogically, conceptually, logical, theoretically, intuitively and coherently.

Q. What do you call someone with no taste?

Specialty. Neurology. Ageusia is the loss of taste functions of the tongue, particularly the inability to detect sweetness, sourness, bitterness, saltiness, and umami (meaning “pleasant/savory taste”). It is sometimes confused with anosmia – a loss of the sense of smell.

Q. What is a tasteless person?

adjective. having no taste or flavor; insipid. dull; uninteresting. lacking in aesthetic quality or capacity; devoid of good taste: a houseful of tasteless furnishings; a tasteless director of stale, dreary films. lacking in politeness, seemliness, tact, etc.; unmannerly; insensitive: a tasteless remark.

Q. What is another word for tasteless?


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