What does error airbag mean? – Internet Guides
What does error airbag mean?

What does error airbag mean?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat does error airbag mean?

When your airbag light appears on your instrument cluster, it means that there is an error in your airbag system. It could be anything from a damaged airbag, broken wires, bad connections or a faulty control unit. To find the problem, the easiest way is to check the trouble code memory is with an OBD2 scanner.

Q. How do I clear my airbag light?

How to Reset an Airbag Light

  1. Put the key into the ignition and turn the switch to the “on” position.
  2. Watch for the airbag light to turn on. It will stay illuminated for seven seconds and then shut itself off. After it shuts off, immediately turn the switch off and wait three seconds.
  3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 two more times.

Q. What would cause airbag light to come on?

Sensors can fail or be tripped on accident to cause the airbag warning to illuminate. The sensors will need to be checked and the system will need to be reset. The airbag clock spring is there to maintain continuity between the electrical wiring of the vehicle and the driver-side airbag.

Q. How do you reset the airbag light on a Hyundai Sonata?

Turn on the ignition switch with your car key. Wait for the airbag warning light to turn off. Turn the ignition switch of your car back off for a little longer than three seconds. Repeat steps 1 through 3 twice to make three times total.

Q. How dangerous is driving without airbags?

Driving your car without airbags is dangerous because, without fully operational airbags, the car safety features are down 50%. Without fully operational airbags, the driver and the passengers can face serious injuries, even death during a collision.

Q. Can I drive my car after the airbag deploys?

In most modern cars, once the airbags are deployed, the engine automatically shuts down. If you have an older car model, the engine may not shut down after the airbags are deployed, and thus you may still drive your car. However, this is dangerous as the deployed airbags will block the windshield.

Q. What injuries can airbags cause?

Common Airbag Injuries

  • Abrasions to the upper portion of the body, including arms, chest and face.
  • Contusions to arms, knees, chest, face and internal organs.
  • Burns to the hands, arms and chest.
  • Wrist injuries and sprained fingers.
  • Cervical spine injuries including fractures, strains and blunt force trauma.
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What does error airbag mean?.
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