What does Hao Lian mean?

What does Hao Lian mean?

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Q. What does Hao Lian mean?

Used to describe someone who is boastful; a show-off or a bragger. ‘Hao Lian’ means ‘boastful’ in Teochew.

Q. What is Lampah?

Lam pah pronounced LUM PAR Hokkien. Packet of the balls. Also used as a vulgarity to show exclamation, “Lampah! Who said you can do this?” Lap sap bar/KTV Cantonese + English Used to refer to those sleazy establishments where girls would do “unclean” stuff to customers.

Q. What Siao means?

Siao (see-ow) Meaning: Hokkien for “crazy”. This versatile word can be used to describe a person or simply an exclamation for a situation that seems out of this world – and not in a wondrous way.

Q. What is Cheekopek?

Tikopek (Cheekopek) . Meaning: A word to describe a Pervert.

Q. What does Sibo mean in Singapore?

While bacteria are an essential part of a healthy small bowel and to perform important functions, for those with a condition called small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), they have bacteria that are supposed to live in the colon (also referred to as the large intestine) trapped in the small intestine.

Q. What is Kiam SIAP?

‘Kiam siap’ is a popular phrase of the Hokkien dialect spoken widely here in Malaysia. It basically translates to mean ‘stingy’ or ‘kedekut’.

Q. What does Hosei Liao mean?

Hoseh Liao. Meaning: Hokkien exclamation of satisfaction, indicating that things are good (in a way)

Q. What does Hong Gan mean?

screw a dog
1. Hong Kan (Liao) What it means: It literally translates to “screw a dog,” and used to express extreme disappointment, anger, and the fact that everything is going wrong.

Q. What is neh neh Pok?

neh neh = breast ( in hokkien) & the commonly used POK for puff…the neh neh looks like a big pok (puff), and hence neh neh pok!.

Q. What does Wah Lao mean?

“Wah lau” is translated to “Oh my Dad”, and the “eh” is added to enhance this. The expression is commonly used to profess surprise or that something is stupid, can be compared to “Oh my God!”.

Q. What does Wah Piang mean?

Also wah piang, wah piang eh. An exclamation expr. astonishment, consternation, despair, dismay, etc.

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