What does imprint mean on a pill? – Internet Guides
What does imprint mean on a pill?

What does imprint mean on a pill?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat does imprint mean on a pill?

Q. What does imprint mean on a pill?

An imprint is defined as any single letter, number, or combination of letters and numbers, including words, company names, National Drug Code, or a mark, symbol, logo or monogram. The drug manufacturer determines the imprint for specific drug products.

Q. Why do the same pills have different imprints?

The same generic drug, made by a different manufacturer, can indeed look different. Due to certain patent laws that govern brand-name medications, generic drug manufacturers are not allowed to copy how a brand-name pill looks in terms of its shape, its color and its size.

Q. Why do pills have a line in the middle?

Many pills that can be safely split have a “score”, a line down the middle of the pill, that allows for easier splitting. However, be aware that not all tablets that are scored are safe to split in half, so ask your pharmacist first. On the other hand, some tablets that are not scored can be safely cut in half.

Q. Why did my pharmacy give me a generic?

In many cases, pharmacists will automatically switch to a generic drug to save you money. If you must have an expensive brand-name drug, know that there are several ways to save on prescription costs. Manufacturer coupons and patient assistance programs are available to patients who qualify.

Q. How do you identify prescription pills?

Identifying prescription drugs is best done by looking at the label on the bottle, but single pills can also be identified by consulting the Physician’s Desk Reference, which illustrates the color, shape and size of pills.

Q. How do you identify pills by number?

Take the pill into your local pharmacy during off-peak business hours.

  • Ask family members or coworkers if they recognize the pill by its imprint.
  • Search online. Many pill identification websites will use the number imprint of the pill to identify it for you.
  • Call the poison control hot line number in your area.
  • Q. What pill is imprinted I-2?

    Pill with imprint I-2 is Brown, Round and has been identified as Ibuprofen 200 mg.

    Q. What is this pill with ‘MLLR’ imprint?

    Pill with imprint MLLR is White, Capsule-shape and has been identified as Midol Long Lasting Relief acetaminophen 650 mg . It is supplied by Bayer Healthcare Consumer Care. Midol Long Lasting Relief is used in the treatment of pain and belongs to the drug class miscellaneous analgesics.

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