What does inane mean in English?

What does inane mean in English?

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Q. What does inane mean in English?

lacking significance

Q. What does Monty mean in Spanish?

(informal) [ˈmɒntɪ ] the full monty todo completo ⧫ el paquete or lote completo (inf)

Q. How do you use inane in a sentence?

  1. He always had this inane grin.
  2. There are so many inane television quiz shows.
  3. There are too many inane quiz shows on television these days.
  4. Most pop lyrics are pretty inane.
  5. Such comments are inane because they don’t help us solve our problem.
  6. He studied me, and an inane grin spread across his lips like a stain.

Q. What is another word for inane?

Some common synonyms of inane are banal, flat, insipid, jejune, and vapid. While all these words mean “devoid of qualities that make for spirit and character,” inane implies a lack of any significant or convincing quality.

Q. What does humdrum mean?

English Language Learners Definition of humdrum : not interesting : dull, boring, and ordinary. See the full definition for humdrum in the English Language Learners Dictionary. humdrum. adjective.

Q. Is humdrum a slang?

The word humdrum is an example of grammatical reduplication or repetitive rhyming, much like other informal words such as itsy-bitsy, okey-dokey, hoity-toity and namby-pamby. The expression is very similar to the informal word ho-hum, which also describes a boring or dull set of circumstances.

Q. What is a memento?

: something that serves to warn or remind a museum filled with war mementos— Libby Lubin also : souvenir mementos of their travels.

Q. What does monotonous mean?

1 : uttered or sounded in one unvarying tone : marked by a sameness of pitch and intensity. 2 : tediously uniform or unvarying.

Q. What does jinx mean?

: one that brings bad luck also : the state or spell of bad luck brought on by a jinx. jinx. verb. jinxed; jinxing; jinxes.

Q. Does monotonous mean boring?

Something that is monotonous is very boring because it has a regular, repeated pattern which never changes.

Q. Can a person be monotonous?

All those things are monotonous: they don’t change much, and they’re dull as dishwater. Anything tedious or humdrum is probably monotonous. If someone says you’re being monotonous, try to vary your tone of voice or the things you’re talking about.

Q. What does monotonous regularity mean?

adj. 1 dull and tedious, esp. because of repetition. 2 unvarying in pitch or cadence. ♦ monotonously adv.

Q. Is monotonous a negative word?

Monotonous: Definition and Meaning Monotonous also suggests something which has become predictable in nature because of its sameness. Typically, it has a negative connotation. Form a sentence with monotonous to express lack of variety, boring repetition or uniform pitch.

Q. What is the opposite word of rude?

Antonym of Rude

RudePolite, Courteous
Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

Q. What is the only source of monotone?

Monotone sound is an unchanging tone. The sound produced by musical instruments is not monotone. The sound is produced by the vibration of particles. As the particles vibrate the surrounding particles in the medium also vibrate.

Q. What is opposite of monotonous?

Antonyms: lively, modulated. Synonyms: monotonic, unglamourous, monotone, commonplace, humdrum, unglamorous, prosaic, flat. flat, monotone, monotonic, monotonous(adj)

Q. What is the opposite of tasteless?

tasteless. Antonyms: flavorous, forcible, lively, piquant, pungent, racy, rich, spicy, spirited.

Q. What is repetitive mean?

English Language Learners Definition of repetitive : happening again and again : repeated many times. : having parts, actions, etc., that are repeated many times in a way that is boring or unpleasant. See the full definition for repetitive in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

Q. What is repetitive behavior?

Definition. The term “repetitive behaviors” refers to abnormal behaviors that are characterized by repetition, rigidity, inappropriateness, and lack of adaptability (Bodfish, 2007).

Q. Is repetitively a real word?

adj. Given to or characterized by repetition. re·pet′i·tive·ly adv. re·pet′i·tive·ness n.

Q. What is it called when someone does something repeatedly?

Something that is repetitive involves doing the same thing over and over again. If you get bored running on a treadmill daily, you might try something less repetitive, like playing soccer outdoors. Anything you do repeatedly, especially when it’s boring, can be described using the adjective repetitive.

Q. What’s another word for many times?

What is another word for many times?

day after dayrepeatedly
again and againfrequently
oftenover and over
time and againyear in, year out

Q. What is the word for doing something the same way every time?

“Rote” is often used for a repetitive process that is performed the same way every time. “Rote learning” means repeating an action multiple times until you can do it pretty much without thinking.

Q. How do you say same way?


  1. analogously.
  2. comparably.
  3. comparatively.
  4. consonantly.
  5. correspondingly.
  6. equally.
  7. equivalently.
  8. evenly.

Q. How many times meaning?

Therefore, you would have to say “how much time”. The word “times”, however, means occurrences. Since it can be broken down into component parts, e.g., “10 times” which are each a time, you would have to say “how many times”.

Q. What means relentlessly?

: showing or promising no abatement of severity, intensity, strength, or pace : unrelenting relentless pressure a relentless campaign.

Q. Is many a times correct?

“A” is a singular indefinite article, and “times” is plural. The two do not mix, therefore, it is wrong. “Many a times” may be a colloquialism, but it is still incorrect. “Many a time” and “many times” mean the same thing, but “many a time” is a more formal or old-fashioned way to say “many times”.

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