What does it mean when someone says the latter?

What does it mean when someone says the latter?

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Q. What does it mean when someone says the latter?

1 : the second one of two things or people that have been mentioned Of these two options, the former is less expensive, while the latter is less risky. 2 : the last thing or person mentioned Of chicken, fish, and meat, I like the latter best.

Q. Is the latter the first or second?

The terms former and latter are words used to distinguish between two things. Former directs us to the first of these two things, and latter directs us to the second (or last) of them.

Q. How do I use latter in a sentence?

Latter sentence example

  1. She liked the latter plan much better.
  2. Faced with those two, I would far prefer the latter .
  3. In the latter category, one text stuck out.
  4. The latter part of his life was spent at Heraclea.
  5. Somehow the latter seemed more likely with Cade.

Q. What does it mean when you say the latter of the two?

the latter two literally means the most recent or last two of a presented set. either textually or chronologically most recent. and the former two literally means THE earlier two, if this is ambiguous then you should use some other construct. Because the word “THE” means its unambiguous.

Q. What is the difference between latter and later?

Later means at a time subsequent to the current time when used as an adverb. Latter means relating to the end or most recent when used as an adjective. A good way to remember the difference is The rhyme: see you LATER, alligator. It means at a time subsequent to the current time, subsequently, afterward.

Q. Where can I use latter and later?

Use later when referring to time. Use latter when referring to the second of two persons or things mentioned previously. For example: Brenda said that she would call me later.

Q. What is the difference between last and latter?

Rule. Use latter to refer to the second of two persons or things that have been mentioned. When more than two have been mentioned, use last.

Q. Who read the letter?

Postmaster read the letter.

Q. Who made Lencho angry?

Lencho became angry when he counted the money that God had sent him. He found that the money amounted to seventy pesos only whereas he had asked for hundred pesos. He believed that the post office employees have stolen the rest of the amount because God could never make a mistake.

Q. Who was the first person to read the letter?

Answer: The postmaster read the letter. Question 7: What did the postmaster do then? Answer: Postmaster was deeply touched by Lencho’s faith in the God. The postmaster asked his colleagues to contribute some money so that they could send that to Lencho.

Q. Who read the letter in one word?

Who read the letter? The postmaster read the letter.

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What does it mean when someone says the latter?.
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