What does the verb to check mean?

What does the verb to check mean?

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Q. What does the verb to check mean?

transitive verb. 1a : to inspect, examine, or look at appraisingly or appreciatively —usually used with out or over The doctors checked him over for injuries.

Q. What is the noun of check?

noun. /tʃɛk/ examination. [countable] check (for/on something) an act of making sure that something is safe, correct, or in good condition by examining it Could you give the tires a check?

Q. What is the verb form of check?

Verb Forms of Check (Base) 1st. (Past) 2nd. (Past Participle) 3rd. Check. Checked.

Q. How do you check if a word is a verb?

  1. A noun is a word that represents a person, thing, or an idea.
  2. An adjective is a word that describes a noun.
  3. A verb describes the process that a subject is undergoing.
  4. The easiest way to tell if a word is a verb is to see if it can change to a different time or probability.

Q. How do you say slowly?

  1. lazily: avoiding hard work (often has a negative connnotation, but not always)
  2. sluggishly: slowly, with very little energy.
  3. unhurriedly: in a relaxed and calm way.
  4. gradually (used for something that happens in stages, over a period of time)
  5. at a leisurely pace: at a slow and relaxed speed.

Q. How do you say drive slowly?

Drive slowly synonyms

  1. cruise. drive slowly and cruise.
  2. drift. drive slowly and drift.
  3. tootle. drive slowly and tootle.
  4. go slowly. drive slowly and go slowly.
  5. meander. drive slowly and meander.
  6. mosey. drive slowly and mosey.
  7. toodle. drive slowly and toodle.
  8. cruising. drive slowly and cruising.

Q. What is a word for slowly but surely?

steadily. Synonyms:slow, unhurried, measured, stately, leisurely, sedate, steady, deliberate, lazy, languid.

Q. What is the meaning of walk slowly?

(idiomatic) To delay a request or command, to drag one’s feet, to stall, to obstruct, to drag out a process. verb.

Q. What is the way you walk called?

Gait means the way a person or animal walks or runs. The human gait is studied in medicine and in sports like running.

Q. What do you call walking fast?

race walking nounvery fast exercise walking. PowerWalking. health walking.

Q. What is a cowboy walk called?

Picture the confident, maybe even arrogant way a pirate, a cowboy, or even a rapper might stroll around. That style of walking is called a swagger. Swagger can also be used as a verb.

Q. What is a word for walking confidently?

What is another word for walk confidently?

walkwalk arrogantly
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What does the verb to check mean?.
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