What does Thoreau compare his jailers to? – Internet Guides
What does Thoreau compare his jailers to?

What does Thoreau compare his jailers to?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat does Thoreau compare his jailers to?

He compares it to traveling to a different country because it was a new experience to him. “It was like travelling into a far country, such as I had never expected to behold, to lie there for one night.” (Thoreau) He is comparing his visit in jail to give his readers a slight impression of what it waslike.

Q. Who was the leader of American transcendentalism?

Transcendentalism is an American literary, philosophical, religious, and political movement of the early nineteenth century, centered around Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Q. What message does Thoreau convey through the acorn and chestnut?

What message does Thoreau convey through his example of the acorn and the chestnut? When Thoreau says he did not enjoy being in prison, but he also felt what freedom felt like in prison. The idea that this paradox illustrates is that a person’s imagination could make them feel free wherever they are.

Q. What is the best way to serve the state?

To serve the state is to “go with the flow” and not disrupt anything. Thoreau also criticizes those who only oppose certain practices of the government in thought (i.e. continuing to sanction slavery), but do nothing that actually contributes to change.

Q. How do I serve an out of state company?

When the party that has to be served lives out of state, papers can usually be served by sending a copy of the paperwork to be served to that party by first-class mail, postage prepaid, and return receipt requested. The person who mails the papers must be at least 18 and NOT a party to the case.

Q. How do you serve someone out of the country?

You can serve a person in a foreign country by any of the methods normally used under California Code of Civil Procedure §415.40 to serve a person living outside the state. These methods would include personal service, substituted service, service by certified mail with a return receipt, or service by publication.

Q. Can you subpoena someone out of country?

A court of the United States may order the issuance of a subpoena requiring the appearance as a witness before it, or before a person or body designated by it, of a national or resident of the United States who is in a foreign country, or requiring the production of a specified document or other thing by him, if the …

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What does Thoreau compare his jailers to?.
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