What effect does the dialogue between Mrs Stevenson and the 3rd operator have lines 582 632? – Internet Guides
What effect does the dialogue between Mrs Stevenson and the 3rd operator have lines 582 632?

What effect does the dialogue between Mrs Stevenson and the 3rd operator have lines 582 632?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat effect does the dialogue between Mrs Stevenson and the 3rd operator have lines 582 632?

Q. What effect does the dialogue between Mrs Stevenson and the 3rd operator have lines 582 632?

Stevenson and the 3rd Operator have (lines 582-632)? It increases Mrs. Stevenson’s frustration.

Q. When the stage directions say that Duffy double takes line 334 it means that he is *?


Q. What is the effect of George’s line Sorry Wrong Number at the end of the play *?

Q. What is the effect of George’s line, “Sorry, wrong number” at the end of the play? Duffy thinks that nothing important has happened. The reason for the murder is revealed.

Q. How do Mrs Stevenson’s character traits affect the plot of the play?

She is seen to be fearful, agitated, and almost paranoid due to her feelings of being unsecured and unsafe after she overheard a plot to murder someone. These qualities were seen in different scenes such as the police scene and when she attempted to hire a nurse.

Q. Was Mrs Stevenson able to get help how?

Answer Expert Verified Stevenson was able to contact the police depertment and sergeant duffy, she was not able to get the help she needed because they didn’t listen to her because of her lack of evidence to show the police. 🙂 that’s what I answered on my assignment ;)18

Q. What is the rising and falling action of a story?

Rising Action: The main character (protagonist) reacts to the initiating event by taking steps to achieve a goal or resolve a problem. Falling Action: The action falls immediately after the turning point. Events that occur in the falling action are the after- effects or consequences of the climax.

Q. What is conflict explain how it affects the action of a story?

These conflicts create “rising action,” and lead the character towards the climax of the story. A story without conflict won’t stimulate growth in the characters, and won’t hold a reader’s interest. Conflict increases suspense, heightens tension, and reveals the strengths and weaknesses of the characters.3

Q. Which two elements would increase the tension during the rising action of a story?

The correct answers are: presenting decisions the character needs to make and identifying a solution to the conflict.29

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What effect does the dialogue between Mrs Stevenson and the 3rd operator have lines 582 632?.
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