What happens when a star exhausts its core hydrogen supply quizlet? – Internet Guides
What happens when a star exhausts its core hydrogen supply quizlet?

What happens when a star exhausts its core hydrogen supply quizlet?

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What happens when a star exhausts its core hydrogen supply? Its core contracts, but its outer layers expand and the star becomes bigger and brighter.

Q. What happens when a main sequence star exhausts its core hydrogen fuel supply?

(1) When a star exhausts the hydrogen in its core, it becomes a giant or supergiant. Once a star has used up all the hydrogen in its core, fusion of hydrogen into helium stops. The core starts to contract again (just as it contracted as a protostar, before hydrogen fusion began).

Q. What happens when a main sequence star exhausts its core hydrogen fuel supply what happens when a main sequence star exhausts its core hydrogen fuel supply the entire star shrinks in size the star becomes a neutron star the core immediately begins to fuse?

What happens when a main-sequence star exhausts its core hydrogen fuel supply? The core shrinks while the rest of the star expands. The main source of energy for a star as it grows in size to become a red giant is ________.

Q. What happens to the core of a high mass star after it runs out of hydrogen?

What happens to the core of a high-mass star after it runs out of hydrogen? It shrinks and heats up. The core shrinks while the rest of the star expands. The main source of energy for a star as it grows in size to become a red giant is ______.

Q. What is the lifespan of a high mass star?

10 million years

Q. What happens when all the hydrogen in a star is gone?

Eventually the core of the star runs out of hydrogen. When that happens, the star can no longer hold up against gravity. Its inner layers start to collapse, which squishes the core, increasing the pressure and temperature in the core of the star. At this point the star is called a red giant.

Q. What happens to a dead star?

Stars die because they exhaust their nuclear fuel. Once there is no fuel left, the star collapses and the outer layers explode as a ‘supernova’. What’s left over after a supernova explosion is a ‘neutron star’ – the collapsed core of the star – or, if there’s sufficient mass, a black hole.

Q. What is the key element found in stars?

Stars are made of very hot gas. This gas is mostly hydrogen and helium, which are the two lightest elements. Stars shine by burning hydrogen into helium in their cores, and later in their lives create heavier elements.

Q. What is the most common element found in a star?


Q. Which stars are the youngest?

Surviving a Powerful Event. In a report by Futurism, a team of astronomers observed what they believe is the youngest neutron star 170,000 light-years away from Earth in a satellite galaxy of our very own Milky Way, which is known as SN 1987A.

Q. Are humans made of quarks?

At a pretty basic level, we’re all made of atoms, which are made of electrons, protons, and neutrons. And at an even more basic, or perhaps the most basic level, those protons and neutrons, which hold the bulk of our mass, are made of a trio of fundamental particles called quarks.

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