What has Al Beruni discussed in Kitab ul Hind?

What has Al Beruni discussed in Kitab ul Hind?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat has Al Beruni discussed in Kitab ul Hind?

Al-Biruni’s Kitab-ul-Hind, was written in Arabic. It is simple and lucid. It is a voluminous text, divided into 80 chapters on subjects such as religion and philosophy, festivals, astronomy, alchemy, manners and customs, social life, weights and measures, iconography, laws and metrology.

Q. What books did Alberuni write?

The name of the book written by Al-Biruni was the Kitab-ul-Hind and written in Arabic, is simple and lucid.

Q. Who wrote Tarikh i Hind?

Al- Biruni

Q. Who wrote Kitab-ul-Hind throw light in its main features?


Q. How many chapters are there in Kitab ul Hind?

80 chapters

Q. What was the more complex social reality which Bernier’s notice in the Mughal Empire?

Answer: Bernier projected the Mughal state as tyrannical, his descriptions hinted at a more complex social reality. He thought that artisans had no incentive to improve the quality of their manufactures as all the profits were enjoyed by the state.

Q. Why did scholars like Bernier choose to compare India with Europe?

Why do you think scholars like Bernier chose to compare India with Europe? Answer: Bernier compared India with Europe and compared and contrasted what he saw in India with the situation in Europe in general and France in particular, focusing on situations which he considered depressing.

Q. What were the observation made by Bernier?

Bernier noted that a large portion of land were extremely fertile and the large kingdom of Bengal surpassed Egypt in agricultural production and innumerable articles like, silk, cotton, indigo, etc. He observed that many parts of India were sufficiently populated and the land was well tilled.

Q. What did Bernier actually say?

What did Bernier actually say? writings as the ‘galactic polity’. served as a polemic for an internal political debate and advocacy in France as a warning against and attack on the alleged absolutist ambitions of French monarchy and a defense of feudal nobility as a break on such tendencies.

Q. Who was the doctor of Prince Dara Shikoh?

Francois Bernier

Q. Why Aurangzeb killed his sister?

Aurangzeb arranged for his sister to be discretely poisoned. She died in great pain, ‘ swollen out like a hogshead, leaving behind her the name of great lasciviousness’. Her palace in the middle of the Roshanara garden is a reminder of the crucial role she played in the history of India. She died at the age of 54.

Q. Who betrayed Dara Shikoh?

chief Malik Jiwan

Q. Why was Dara Shikoh killed?

However, Junaid betrayed Dara Shikoh and turned him (and his second son Sipihr Shikoh) over to Aurangzeb’s army on 10 June 1659. He was assassinated by four of Aurangzeb’s henchmen in front of his terrified son on the night of 30 August 1659 (9 September Gregorian).

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What has Al Beruni discussed in Kitab ul Hind?.
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