What has been the role of Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle?

What has been the role of Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle?

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Answer Expert Verified. Plato and Aristotle criticise the structure of the government that put most of the power to the hands of the Nobles. They advocate for the structure of the government that put most of the power to the people, which lead to the birth of the democratic system of government.

Q. Who was the most influential philosopher in ancient Greece?


Q. Who were some famous Greek philosophers what were their ideas?

Socrates and Plato are two famous Greek philosophers whose ideas still impact society today. In ancient Greece, philosophers contemplated and theorized about many different ideas such as human nature, ethics, and moral dilemmas.

Q. What is the main contribution of Plato in philosophy?

Plato is also considered the founder of Western political philosophy. His most famous contribution is the theory of Forms known by pure reason, in which Plato presents a solution to the problem of universals known as Platonism (also ambiguously called either Platonic realism or Platonic idealism).

Q. Is a degree in philosophy worth it?

However, the truth of the matter is that there is plenty of evidence that philosophy is very useful as an undergrad degree. It prepares students not only for further graduate work in philosophy, but a variety of other fields as well. Philosophy majors are top performers on both the LSAT and the GRE.

Q. Can you be a philosopher without a degree?

There are no official philosophers. A degree in philosophy does not transform a person into a philosopher, nor does the absence of a degree ensure that the person is not.

Q. Do you need a PhD to be a philosopher?

To successfully pursue philosophy as a career, you must acquire a doctorate or, at very least, a master’s degree. Earning a living from philosophy means using your knowledge and (hopefully) wisdom to produce original works of philosophical thought and, usually, to teach others about the field.

Q. How many years does it take to become a philosopher?

in philosophy is a prerequisite in this field. This involves five to seven years of study after completion of a college degree, including two to three years of course work.

Q. What is a degree in philosophy good for?

Philosophy majors will graduate with strong problem-solving, critical thinking and writing skills that apply to a wide range of professions. With additional degrees, philosophy majors go on to work as lawyers, doctors and university professors.

Q. How do philosophy majors make money?

If you want directly earn money by position that requires a Major in Philosophy, these are the next fields:

  1. Teaching class (All the humanistic courses)
  2. Being a Politician.
  3. Working for Media (writing, investigation, analysis of contents)
  4. Management and representation in groups of community, enterprises.

Q. What are the highest paid majors?

10 Highest Paying College Majors

  • Petroleum Engineering. Mid-career pay: $182,000.
  • Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (EECS) Mid-career pay: $152,300.
  • Applied Economics and Management. Mid-career pay: $139,600.
  • Operations Research. Mid-career pay: $139,600.
  • Public Accounting. Mid-career pay: $138,800.

Q. Who are modern day philosophers?

10 Contemporary Philosophers to Read Today

  • Martha Nussbaum (b. 1947)
  • Cornel West (b. 1952)
  • Slavoj Žižek (b. 1949)
  • Gayatri Spivak (b. 1942)
  • Judith Butler (b. 1956)
  • Gu Su (b. 1955)
  • Thomas Nagel (b. 1937)
  • John McDowell (b. 1942)

Q. Who is best philosopher in the world?

Here are 10 Greatest Philosophers who ever lived

  • Aristotle. The list of the greatest philosophers is incomplete without Aristotle.
  • Immanuel Kant. After Aristotle, Immanuel Kant comes at number #2 in the list of the greatest philosopher who ever lived.
  • John Locke.
  • Epicurus.
  • Zeno of Citium.
  • Plato.
  • Confucius.
  • David Hume.
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What has been the role of Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle?.
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