What have I done meaning?

What have I done meaning?

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Q. What have I done meaning?

“What have I done?” This is s question asked upon either: a) seeing you did something that got vastly different results than those you wanted (emphasis on the word “done ”), or. b) someone starts acting as though you did something wrong (emphasis in the word “I”).

Q. Is I done grammatically correct?

‘I done it’ is grammatically incorrect but is used by many native English speakers in North America in very informal, colloquial situations.

Q. When we use got and get?

Get is the present tense form of the verb to get. Got is the past tense form, as well the past participle in a sentence such as “We have got two tickets”. Present tense: I get my groceries from the shop down the road.

Q. Where do we use got to?

The structure have (got) to is used to talk about obligation. It has a similar meaning to must. I have got to get up early tomorrow. (= I must get up early tomorrow.)

Q. Where do we use most?

We use the quantifier most to talk about quantities, amounts and degree. We can use it with a noun (as a determiner) or without a noun (as a pronoun). We can also use it with adjectives and adverbs to form the superlative.

Q. What word is most?

Most is the superlative form of much and many and can be used in the following ways: as an adverb (before an adjective or another adverb): a most interesting lecturethe question that is asked most often.

Q. What’s more than most?


  • mostest.
  • outside.
  • paramount.
  • superlative.
  • supreme.
  • top.
  • topmost.
  • ultimate.

Q. Is mostest more than most?

3 Answers. Mostest is not an accepted word, though it is in some dictionaries listed as slang. Most is already in superlative form, so adding -est is redundant and ungrammatical.

Q. What does mostest mean?

The definition of mostest is slang for having lots of good qualities. An example of the mostest is how you describe a great hostess.

Q. Is high a real word?

1. High, lofty, tall, towering refer to something that has considerable height. High is a general term, and denotes either extension upward or position at a considerable height: six feet high; a high shelf.

Q. What does Morest mean?

[ noun ] (politics,writing) a greater or additional quantity or number or degree or amount. Synonyms.

Q. Is being modest a bad thing?

Being too modest isn’t recommended since it could end up making you invisible and preventing you from reaffirming yourself. Self-love and a sense of personal pride isn’t arrogance but rather the just recognition you owe yourself. Being too modest is as dangerous as any other aspect taken to the extreme.

Q. Who is a modest person?

The definition of modest is someone or something that is humble or shy or not extreme. An example of modest is a person who doesn’t easily take their clothes off around others.

Q. What does it mean when a guy calls you modest?

A person is modest when they do not boast or brag and when they tend to downplay their own abilities. When one is humble, they have a low view of their own abilities. They will always view themselves as weak in that area, even if they are not.

Q. Is being called modest a good thing?

If someone says you’re modest, it means you’re not showing too high an opinion of your abilities. So yes, it’s a good thing.

Q. What does Don’t be so modest mean?

1 having or expressing a humble opinion of oneself or one’s accomplishments or abilities. 2 reserved or shy. modest behaviour. 3 not ostentatious or pretentious. 4 not extreme or excessive; moderate.

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