What is a sentence for burrowed? – Internet Guides
What is a sentence for burrowed?

What is a sentence for burrowed?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is a sentence for burrowed?

Q. What is a sentence for burrowed?

to dig a hole in the ground, especially to live in: Rats had burrowed into the bank of the river. to move yourself into a position where you can feel warm, comfortable, or safe: Suddenly shy, our young daughter burrowed her head into my shoulder.

Q. What is meant by burrowing?

to make a hole or passage in, into, or under something. to lodge in a burrow. to hide. to proceed by or as if by digging. SEE MORE.

Q. What is an embedded question example?

The embedded question is a noun clause and can be used in a similar way to a noun. For example, we can use it as the subject or the object of the main clause. Embedded question in a statement: I don’t know where she works. (Here ‘where she works’ is the object.)

Q. What is the example of embedding?

One way for a writer or speaker to expand a sentence is through the use of embedding. When two clauses share a common category, one can often be embedded in the other. For example: Norman brought the pastry.

Q. What is an embedded sentence explain with two example sentences?

Embedded clauses are placed within the main clause in a sentence. They do not make sense as stand-alone sentences, unlike main clauses. For example: The giraffe, who was the tallest in the zoo, towered over the other animals.

Q. What is the difference between relative and embedded clauses?

What are embedded relative clauses? Embedded relative clauses are clauses which include relative pronouns (who, that, which, whose, where, when) and appear within the middle of a sentence. They’re usually used to define or identify the noun which goes ahead of them.

Q. What does Embedded mean in English?

transitive verb. 1a : to enclose closely in or as if in a matrix fossils embedded in stone. b : to make something an integral part of the prejudices embedded in our language. c : to prepare (a microscopy specimen) for sectioning by infiltrating with and enclosing in a supporting substance.

Q. What words are relative clauses?

Relative clauses are clauses starting with the relative pronouns who*, that, which, whose, where, when. They are most often used to define or identify the noun that precedes them.

Q. What is the difference between phrases and clauses?

DEFINITION OF CLAUSE AND PHRASE: A clause is a group of words with a subject-verb unit; the 2nd group of words contains the subject-verb unit the bus goes, so it is a clause. A phrase is a group of words without a subject-verb unit.

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What is a sentence for burrowed?.
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