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What is a sentence for lozenge?

What is a sentence for lozenge?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is a sentence for lozenge?

She uses a lozenge , a diamond shaped frame. Napoleon took a lozenge , put it in his mouth, and glanced at his watch. lozenge shaped pillbox still stands however on the boundary fence line to the rear of the warehouses.

Q. What is lozenge?

1 : a figure with four equal sides and two acute and two obtuse angles : diamond. 2 : something shaped like a lozenge. 3 : a small usually sweetened and flavored medicated material that is designed to be held in the mouth for slow dissolution especially : one that contains a demulcent sore throat lozenges.

Q. Is lozenge a word in English?

noun. a small, flavored tablet made from sugar or syrup, often medicated, originally diamond-shaped.

Q. What does lozenge shaped mean?

Lozenge is a noun that refers to a geometric shape with four equal sides and four corners. It is sometimes called a diamond or a rhombus.

Q. What’s another word for lozenge?

Lozenge Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for lozenge?

medicated lozengethroat lozenge

Q. What is the antonym of loiter?

What is the opposite of loiter?


Q. Is teleportation a word?

Teleportation is the hypothetical transfer of matter or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. Frequently appearing scientific papers and media articles with the term teleportation typically report on so-called “quantum teleportation”, a scheme for information transfer.

Q. What is the antonym of humble?

humble. Antonyms: high, lofty, eminent, proud, boastful, arrogant, assuming, pretentious. Synonyms: low, lowly, obscure, meek, modest, unassuming, unpretending, submissive.

Q. What is a humble person called?

meek. Humble, modest, meager, or self-effacing.

Q. Is humble a positive word?

This is not a negative connotation, but neutral to positive. If you are going for a meaning along the lines of being less accepting, less harsh or strident, or more mature or developed, you could consider mellowed, matured, or softened. These are all positive attributes. “Having children of my own softened me.”

Q. Is humble a compliment?

Being modest means if someone compliments you, you respond in a positive way and not flaunt your achievement, but also thinking inwardly that you are awesome. Being humble means if someone compliments you, you respond in a positive way and but also say that person B helped you achieve a task.

Q. How do you praise a humble person?

I respect you as a human. I hope to be as selfless as you! I love how humble you stay. I follow your example of how to be a good friend. More people should follow your lead!

Q. What is a humble attitude?

Marked by meekness or modesty in behavior, attitude, or spirit; not arrogant or prideful. Having or showing a consciousness of one’s defects or shortcomings; not overly proud; not self-assertive; modest.

Q. Is being modest attractive?

By definition, modesty is highlighting one’s dignity, and protecting the sacredness of the body and it’s sexuality. Rather, they mean to say that modesty is more dignified, objectively beautiful, and attractive than the immodesty of the world.

Q. What is a modest girl?

A woman can be described as modest when she avoids doing or wearing anything that might cause other people to have sexual feelings towards her. You can also describe her clothes or behaviour as modest.

Q. What does dressing modestly look like?

Choose shorts and skirts that are longer than your arm’s length. A good rule to go by if you are aiming for a modest look is to keep shorts and skirts around the knee. If you can put your arm straight down to your side and the hem of your pants is shorter than your arm’s reach, they are probably too short.

Q. Is it OK to be modest?

Modesty is a great virtue, linked with important human values such as simplicity, humility, and temperance. It’s opposite to vanity and conceit, two character traits that have gained a lot of ground in our current world. But those who are too modest reach the point of minimizing their achievements and qualities.

Q. What’s the difference between humble and modest?

Definitions of Humble and Modest: Being humble is acknowledging one’s strengths and weakness that will allow the individual to be willingness to accept the authority of others. Being modest is being unassuming in the estimation of one’s abilities.

Q. Is modesty good or bad?

Modesty is neither good nor bad if the reasons for it are unknown. Purposefully limiting self in actions or behavior can come out of genuine need for it (such as someone’s reserved personality which comes naturally) or it could be a learned/forced behavior with rather ulterior motives.

Q. What makes a person modest?

A person is modest if he or she is very successful but does not call attention to this. Modest generally means “big enough but not huge” — like a modest house or a modest income. Although this is considered dated today, modest is still used for people who are shy about showing their body.

Q. What is modest behavior?

The definition of modest is someone or something that is humble or shy or not extreme. An example of modest is a person who doesn’t easily take their clothes off around others. Not forward; shy or reserved. Modest behavior.

Q. What do you reply when someone calls you modest?

You could say: You should hear me speaking , it is not really that good “. Hi say just “Thank you” because it is a compliment or if you’re not sure it is a joke or not “but my French is better…” “yes i am”!! I think “you are too modest” is a chinglish expression, Am I right?

Q. How do you know if you’re modest?

A person is modest when they do not boast or brag and when they tend to downplay their own abilities. A person is humble when they show deference and a willingness to submit to others. They often go hand-in-hand, but do not have to. When one is modest, they have a moderate view of their own abilities.

Q. Is being modest a weakness?

Humility need not be viewed as weakness or sign of insecurity. Quite the opposite. The right kind of humility allows you to make a great impression whether you’re in a job interview, working in an organization, or socializing with friends.

Q. What clothes are modest?

Beyond the various interpretations, all agree on the idea that modest fashion means loose clothing, comfortable dressing and covering of the body according to person’s own comfort.

Q. What is the difference between modest and modesty?

As a noun modesty is the quality of being modest; having a limited and not overly high opinion of oneself and one’s abilities.

Q. What’s the difference between being and doing?

Being and doing is the extent to which you derive meaning from activity and being productive. A doing culture emphasizes being busy and meeting goals. A being culture stresses the quality of life and work-life balance. In a doing culture getting a job done takes precedence over personal relationships.

Q. How can I be modest?

A modest person puts the needs of others ahead of his or her own needs. That doesn’t mean forcing yourself to suffer; it simply means being considerate of others and fostering a desire to help others in some way. Be kind to others and think about whether their needs are being met.

Q. What is the opposite of modest?

Antonyms: immodest, important, indecent, limitless, unlimited, superior, proud, pretentious, overweening, uppity, immoderate. Synonyms: tame, low, small, humble, lowly, meek, soft, minor, spiritless, mild, balmy, small-scale, pocket-size, pocket-sized.

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