What is best local government value?

What is best local government value?

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Q. What is best local government value?

What is Best Value? Best value is the generic term covering the government’s statutory guidelines for modernising the way local services are managed and delivered. Best Value arrangements exist to secure continuous improvement in the performance of functions by public service organisations.

Q. What is the best value duty?

Best Value Duty means the duty under section 3(1) of the Local Government Act 1999 to make arrangements to ensure continuous improvement in the way its functions are exercised having a regard to the combination of economy, efficiency and effectiveness.

Q. What did the Local Government Act 2000 do?

The Local Government Act 2000 (c. 22) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that reformed local government in England and Wales. Its principal purposes are: to give powers to local authorities to promote economic, social and environmental well-being within their boundaries.

Q. What is a best value authority?

An authority designated under the Local Government Act 1999 to make arrangements to secure continuous improvement in the way in which it exercise its functions, having regard to a combination of factors, including economy, efficiency and effectiveness.

Q. What are the principles of best value?

The principles of Best Value are known as the four Cs: Challenge – involves questioning why, how and by whom activities are carried out. Comparison – of performance against other schools and between parts within each school e.g. benchmarking.

Q. What is local government constitution?

The constitution is a written legal document that guides the council on its decision making processes. It provides a basis and framework for the councillors and officers to work within and ensures honesty, accountability and lawful decision making. …

Q. What is the Homelessness Reduction Act?

What is the HRA? The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017, implemented on 3 April 2018, places new duties on housing authorities to intervene earlier to prevent homelessness and to take reasonable steps to relieve homelessness for all eligible applicants, not just those that have priority need under the Act.

Q. Does best value still exist?

Best Value was a key policy for local government first introduced by the Labour government in 1997, and rolled out across the UK. The fundamental Duty of Best Value (‘The Duty’) still exists but we are seeing important changes in the wider local government policy context.

Q. What does the best value mean?

Best value for money is defined as the most advantageous combination of cost, quality and sustainability to meet customer requirements. In this context: quality means meeting a specification which is fit for purpose and sufficient to meet the customer’s requirements.

Q. What is the best value duty under Local Government Act 1999?

The Council of course was under the “best value” duty imposed upon it by Section 3 in Part I of the Local Government Act 1999. Clause 44 of the Contract is concerned with best value and best value reviews.

Q. How are best value principles applied in local government?

The Best Value Principles will apply to all services and those functions of council that support those services. The Minister for Local Government has the power to influence the application of Best Value Principles in local government, in part, by the publication of Ministerial Codes (see section 208H of the Act).

Q. Is the MHCLG part of the Local Government Act?

MHCLG has on 29 November 2018, pursuant to the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007, launched an eight week Consultation, for response by 25 January 2019, on a proposal from seven of the eight Northamptonshire councils (the exception being Corby Borough Council) for local government reorganisation in Northamptonshire.

Q. What is clause 44 of a local government contract?

Clause 44 of the Contract is concerned with best value and best value reviews. The Council relied strongly on the decision of the Court of Appeal in Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust v Compass Group [2013] BLR 265.

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What is best local government value?.
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