What is Blueskies?

What is Blueskies?

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Q. What is Blueskies?

blue-skied, blue-sky·ing, blue-skies. To hold or express unrealistic or impractical views, especially in estimating something.

Q. Who came up with blue sky thinking?

Real-life example. In 1975, an American advertising executive called Gary Dahl came up with a unique idea to make money.

Q. Why do pilots say blue skies?

This beautiful black proof coin is called Blue Skies. Named after the wish “Blue Skies and Tailwinds” that all pilots give each other blessing them with safe travels as they navigate where the birds fly.

Q. Where does the term blue skies come from?

The term “blue sky law” is said to have originated in the early 1900s, gaining widespread use when a Kansas Supreme Court justice declared his desire to protect investors from speculative ventures that had “no more basis than so many feet of ‘blue sky. ‘”

Q. How do you facilitate blue sky thinking?

Blue-sky thinking involves a group of people looking at an opportunity with fresh eyes. As a group, you could write down everyone’s ideas on a flip chart. Alternatively, people may be given sticky notes and asked to write down as many ideas as they can on each note before displaying them on a wall.

Q. What is the opposite of sky?

Opposite of the upper atmosphere surrounding the earth (the sky) earth. ground. land. surface.

Q. What color is a deep sky blue?

Deep sky blue is an azure-cyan colour associated with deep shade of sky blue. Deep sky blue is a web colour. This colour is the colour on the colour wheel (RGB/HSV colour wheel) halfway between azure and cyan.

Q. Why do pilots say tree instead of three?

Aviators often speak “pilot English” to avoid miscommunications over radio transmission. “Tree” for instance, means three, “fife” is the number five and “niner” means nine, says Tom Zecha, a manager at AOPA. The variations stemmed from a desire to avoid confusion between similar-sounding numbers, he says.

Q. Why is the sky blue for adults?

The Short Answer: Gases and particles in Earth’s atmosphere scatter sunlight in all directions. Blue light is scattered more than other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves. This is why we see a blue sky most of the time.

Q. What does blue-sky thinking mean?

blue-sky thinking. Blue-sky thinking is when people try to find completely new ideas. In an admirable piece of blue-sky thinking, the party has begun attracting supporters from the world of fiction.

Q. What is does Blue Skies thinking mean?

The dictionary definition of Blue-Sky thinking is ‘creative ideas that are not limited by current thinking or belief.’ What it means is thinking of options/solutions without being fettered by what you have done or capable of doing or anything else that may constrain you in any possible manner in arriving at the best possible solution.

Q. What is a blue sky idea?

Blue sky thinking refers to brainstorming with no limits. With this approach to idea generation, ideas don’t need to be grounded in reality. Rather, blue sky thinking sessions are open to all creative ideas regardless of practical constraints. The allure of blue sky thinking is based on the premise that ideas beget more ideas.

Q. What is the value of Blue Sky?

Blue Sky shares are under voluntary suspension while the ASX reviews the fund manager’s proposed response to a brutal note by Glaucus Research. The underlying issue is that Glaucus Research values Blue Sky’s assets under management at $1.5 billion while the company itself puts this at $4 billion.

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