What is broadcast fax?

What is broadcast fax?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is broadcast fax?

Q. What is broadcast fax?

A. B. The ability to send a fax to multiple recipients at the same time, which makes it easy to send junk faxes to many people.

Q. Is it illegal to fax advertisements?

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), 47 U.S.C. § 227, restricts the use of the facsimile machine to deliver unsolicited advertisements. Among other things, the Commission’s rules in 47 CFR § 64.1200 require the sender of fax advertisements to obtain permission from the recipient before transmitting the fax.

Q. Can you send a mass fax?

Send Thousands of Faxes with a Few Clicks jBlast is the leading fax broadcast service, allowing you to send a single fax to multiple recipients at the same time. All you need is a jBlast account and an Internet connection to send your broadcast fax.

Q. What is the full meaning of fax machine?

Fax (short for facsimile), sometimes called telecopying or telefax (the latter short for telefacsimile), is the telephonic transmission of scanned printed material (both text and images), normally to a telephone number connected to a printer or other output device.

Q. What are the rules for not faxing?

The new California law: allows a sender to obtain permission for either a specific or unlimited number of advertisements or a specific or unlimited period of time. outlaws causing a third party to fax an unsolicited advertisement.

Q. What happens if you violate TCPA?

TCPA violations can result in penalties of up to $500 per violation, with willful violations trebled up to $1,500 per violation. There is no cap on statutory damages so thousands of violations can result in millions of dollars in penalties.

Q. How do I send bulk faxes?

How to send a bulk fax broadcast from your computer?

  1. Make sure your contacts list is updated and you have already assigned your contacts into different groups.
  2. Go to the Send Fax section and attach the document(s) you would like to send.
  3. In the recipient’s field, add the contacts or groups you want to send fax to.

Q. How do I send a fax to multiple recipients?

Click the name of the first contact in the list to whom you want to send the fax. Press and hold the “Ctrl” key as you click other names to add to the Message Recipients list for the fax. After you select all the recipients for the fax, click the “To->” button to add them to the Message Recipients list box.

Q. How can I fax securely without a landline?

Sign Up For An Online Fax Service These services, such as eFax, provide secure, convenient ways to fax without a landline. You can sign up and start faxing in just a few minutes, and you don’t even need a scanner because you can take a photo of your document with your phone to fax.

Q. Why fax is still used?

Using a fax machine helps keep paperwork simple and helps create a record, so you know everything is safe and secured. This is useful when last-minute negotiations get made with another company. The updated documents can easily get faxed over without running back to the office to print the needed papers.

Q. Is there such a thing as a broadcast fax?

According to a report by Davidson Consulting, broadcast fax was a $200 million industry worldwide in 2006. Unfortunately, broadcast fax is also a powerful tool for fax spammers who flood thousands of fax machines with unsolicited “junk fax” advertisements, despite strict, Federal anti-spamming laws.

Putting an opt-out notice on a fax ad does not, by itself, make the fax lawful if the sender doesn’t also satisfy the requirements described above. You have multiple options for filing a complaint with the FCC:

Q. Is the FCC barred from interfering with freedom of speech?

The FCC is barred by law from trying to prevent the broadcast of any point of view. The Communications Act prohibits the FCC from censoring broadcast material, in most cases, and from making any regulation that would interfere with freedom of speech.

Q. Can You Send More than one fax at a time?

Broadcast fax allows you to send more than once fax. Broadcast fax is the ability to send a single fax to more than one person at the same time [source: Answers.com]. Some fax machines can scan a document once and broadcast it to multiple recipients.

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