What is culture and education?

What is culture and education?

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Culture and education are two inseparable parameters and they are interdependent. Any educational pattern gets its guidance from the cultural patterns of a society. For instance, in a society with a spiritual pattern of culture, the educational focus would be on the achievement of moral and eternal values of life.

Q. What are some of the disadvantages of modernization?

what are the disadvantages of modernisation? -due to industralization problem of pollution increases. -urbanization affect village culture and agriculture. -degradation of moral values. -people are materialistic.

Q. What are the adaptive demands of modernization?

In modernisation, new ideas, practical and realistic attitudes are accepted, along with equal faith in justice. But this aspect of modernisation carries hindrances like poverty, ignorance, lack of unity, communalism, gaps between ideals and reality etc.

Q. Why is culture very important in education?

Culture influences how we see the world, how we see the community that we live in, and how we communicate with each other. Being a part of a culture influences our learning, remembering, talking and behaving. Therefore culture determines to a great extent the learning and teaching styles also.

Q. What do we learn from cultural education?

Culture is an important concept, upon which the lives of the individuals are based upon. When understanding cultural education, the individuals need to understand, how cultural education should prove to be beneficial to them in enriching their lives and achieving professional and personal goals.

Q. What is the relation between education and culture?

Education produces a cultured man and is also nurtured by the cultured man. The intimate relationship between culture and education is evident from the fact that one of the major aims of education is to impart to the child his cultural heritage, the social heritage.

Q. What is the connection between literacy and culture?

Hirsch (1983) developed the term “cultural literacy” because people can’t learn reading, writing, and other communication as skills separate from the culturally assumed knowledge that shapes what people communicate about. For example, the meaning of many words is culture-specific.

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