What is love according to Diotima?

What is love according to Diotima?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is love according to Diotima?

Love is neither mortal nor immortal, but is a spirit, which falls somewhere between being a god and being human. Spirits, Diotima explains, serve as intermediaries between gods and humans. They convey prayers and sacrifices from humans to gods, and send gifts and commands from gods to humans.

Q. How do you make a symposium?

The Insider’s View to Organizing a Local Symposium

  1. Decide on the symposium topic.
  2. Pick a symposium name.
  3. Consider your budget.
  4. Obtain additional sponsors.
  5. Decide on major speakers.
  6. Give students, postdocs, and junior faculty a chance to shine.
  7. Decide on a schedule and draft a program.
  8. Use local connections.

Q. What does symposium mean?

1a : a convivial party (as after a banquet in ancient Greece) with music and conversation. b : a social gathering at which there is free interchange of ideas. 2a : a formal meeting at which several specialists deliver short addresses on a topic or on related topics — compare colloquium.

Q. Why did the Sicilian expedition fail?

Through hubris, a lack of adequate cavalry, and incompetence at home as well as abroad, the Athenians allowed the expedition to turn into a monumental failure, foreshadowing their ultimate defeat in the Ionian War a decade later.

Q. How did the Sicilian expedition end?

Although things looked grim for Athens, they were able to recover for a few years. The oligarchy was soon overthrown, and Athens won the Battle of Cynossema; however, the defeat of the Sicilian expedition was essentially the beginning of the end for Athens. In 404 BC they were defeated and occupied by Sparta.

Q. What event prevented the Athenians from leaving Sicily?

Peloponnesian War The next 11 years made up the war’s second period of fighting. The decisive event was the catastrophe suffered by the Athenians in Sicily. Aided by a force of Spartans, Syracuse was able to break an Athenian blockade. Even after gaining reinforcements in 413,…

Q. What was the significance of the Sicilian expedition?

The expressed objective of the expedition was just to protect their allies, not start war, but the size of the fleet clearly indicated a preparedness for battle. In 415 BCE, the largest naval fleet in Athenian history left its harbors for Sicily.

Q. When did Greece invade Sicily?

Greek period Sicily was colonized by Greeks in the 8th century BC. Initially, this was restricted to the eastern and southern parts of the island. The most important colony was established at Syracuse in 734 BC.

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What is love according to Diotima?.
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