What is Nikki Maxwell’s real name?

What is Nikki Maxwell’s real name?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is Nikki Maxwell’s real name?

Nicole Jullianne Maxwell

Q. Is The Dork Diaries movie coming out?

It has not been confirmed yet by the author that the movie had been put off or even permanently discontinued production. In February 2021, it was revealed in a dorkdiaries.com video that the reason why the Dork Diaries movie wasn’t made.

Q. Who is the cast of Dork Diaries?

Meet the characters

  • Nikki Maxwell. Nikki is the new girl in school.
  • Chloe Christina Garcia. Chloe is Nikki’s boy-crazy BFF, partner in crime, and amateur romance expert.
  • Zoeysha Ebony Franklin. Zoey is Nikki’s BFF, partner in crime, and a human Wikipedia.
  • MacKenzie Hollister.
  • Brandon Roberts.
  • Mr.
  • Brianna Maxwell.
  • Mrs.

Q. What race is the girl from Dork Diaries?


Q. Is Zoey from Dork Diaries black?

She is African American, proven by her statement in Tales From a Not-So-Popular Party Girl that she looks like Beyoncé.

Q. Is Dork Diaries based on a true story?

The Dork Diaries series was inspired by my dorky daughter, Nikki, who is also the illustrator of the books. Many of the dramatic tales, zany escapades, and exciting adventures chronicled in the books are based on real-life experiences from our own middle-school years.

Q. Does Brandon have a crush on Nikki?

As of now in the book series, both characters are stuck between “just friends” and “in a boyfriend/girlfriend” relationship due to numerous romantic approaches made. Brandon has not yet asked Nikki out officially in any of the books in the Dork Diaries series other than saying how he felt.

Q. What does Brandon look like in Dork Diaries?

Appearance. Brandon is shown to have brown hair and brown eyes (Nikki Maxwell describes his eyes “bright” and “beautiful). In translated books she describes that as “Big brown eyes”.

Q. What does Chloe wear in Dork Diaries?

Chloe sometimes wears glasses. So far, she has only wore them in Dork Diaries: OMG! All About Me Diary!

Q. What age group are Dork Diaries for?

Age Range: Aimed at elementary school girls The publisher lists the target age as 9 to 13 years old, but we think 9 to 11 is more accurate.

Q. Why did Nikki become unhappy with the successful LSA project?

She “accidently” signed the other sheet, causing her to be an LSA. Nikki was angry at Mackenzie because she wasn’t going to the art competition, but she was dusting books on the shelves now. However,Nikki made some new BFFs, Chloe and Zoey who she used to hate. Then Mrs.

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What is Nikki Maxwell’s real name?.
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