What is Pampero Aniversario rum made of?

What is Pampero Aniversario rum made of?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is Pampero Aniversario rum made of?

Q. What is Pampero Aniversario rum made of?

Launched in 1963 to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Pampero, Anniversario is distilled in Venezuela from locally produced molasses. (It is shipped in bulk to Italy where it is bottled.) It has no age statement but is believed to be a blend of 4 to 6 year old rums aged in ex-bourbon casks.Farv

Q. Where is Pampero Aniversario rum made?

A delicious dark rum from Ron Pampero, Pampero Aniversario is made in continuous stills in Venezuela. It’s full, rich and very fruity.

Q. How old is Pampero Aniversario?

4-6 year old
Pampero Aniversario is a striking blend of 4-6 year old rums. Maturation in whisky and bourbon barrels have given this rum a concentrated, rich flavor while rendering it delightfully smooth.

Q. What alcohol is Pampero?

Pampero Anejo is a delicious blend of Venezuelan rums which are aged 2-4 years in ex-bourbon casks. The result is sweet, oaky and spicy making this the ideal rum to sit back and enjoy….Product Details.

Strength (ABV)40%
BrandPampero Rum
PresentationGLASS BOTTLE

Q. Where is Ron Pampero from?

Caracas, Venezuela
Industrias Pampero, C.A. is a Venezuelan rum distiller, and a subsidiary of Diageo….Industrias Pampero.

FoundedCaracas, Venezuela (1938)
FounderAlejandro Hernandez
HeadquartersCaracas, Venezuela Ocumare del Tuy Valencia, Venezuela

Q. How do you drink Pampero rum?

  1. Shake Pampero Especial Rum, lime juice, and ginger syrup.
  2. Strain over fresh ice in a collins glass.
  3. Top with club soda, stir, and float Aniversario.
  4. Garnish with lime.

Q. What is the best selling rum?

Leading rum brands worldwide in 2020, based on sales volume (in million 9 liter cases)*

CharacteristicVolume in million 9 liter cases
Captain Morgan11.9
McDowell’s No. 1 Celebration8.1
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What is Pampero Aniversario rum made of?.
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