What is present participle example?

What is present participle example?

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Q. What is present participle example?

Adding -ing to the base form of a verb creates the present participle. For example, eat is the base form of the verb to eat. Other examples of present participles include swimming, laughing, and playing. The present participle can function as an adjective and modify nouns in sentences.

Q. Is works a past participle?

The past tense of work is worked or wrought (see usage notes). The third-person singular simple present indicative form of work is works. The past participle of work is worked or wrought (see usage notes).

Q. What is the present perfect tense of work?

Perfect tenses

present perfect
Ihave worked
youhave worked
he, she, ithas worked
wehave worked

Q. Is love past present or future?

Love verb forms

InfinitivePresent ParticiplePast Tense

Q. What is it called when you laugh at inappropriate times?

Overview. Pseudobulbar affect (PBA) is a condition that’s characterized by episodes of sudden uncontrollable and inappropriate laughing or crying.

Q. Is walked past present or future?

To Walk

Wewalkedwill walk
Youwalkedwill walk
He, She, Itwalkedwill walk
Theywalkedwill walk

Q. What is the future tense of would?

“Will” is a modal verb used to form the future tense. “Would” is a modal verb used to form the conditional mood mainly in conditional sentences. E.g., I would do it if I could. In indirect (reported) speech, the future becomes a conditional.

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