What is the appropriate preposition of acquainted?

What is the appropriate preposition of acquainted?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the appropriate preposition of acquainted?

Q. What is the appropriate preposition of acquainted?

Powis, in particular, we were acquainted under circumstances that left a vivid recollection of his manliness and professional skill. If I may instance an example, I am acquainted to the last dime with what you made (or rather lost), and I know you have since cashed a considerable draft on London.”

Q. How do you use acquainted in a sentence?

Acquainted in a Sentence 🔉

  • If you are acquainted with the hiring manager, I would love to give him a copy of my resume.
  • April’s husband is not acquainted with her favorite television show so she suggested he watch a few episodes of the program.

Q. Which is correct acquainted to or acquainted with?

If you are acquainted with something, you know about it because you have learned it or experienced it. I am also looking forward to getting more acquainted with immigration law. If you are acquainted with someone, you have met them and you know them. You can also say that two people are acquainted.

Q. How do you use acquaintance in a sentence?

Acquaintance sentence example

  1. He’s not a casual acquaintance whom you barely know.
  2. Happy to make your acquaintance , Miss Sidwell.
  3. He had an acquaintance with the literature.
  4. Be sure to come: you may meet some old acquaintance .
  5. The job interview especially is a moment of mutual acquaintance .

Q. What are the 4 levels of friendship?

The four stages are 1) Acquaintance, 2) Peer friend, 3) Close Friend, and 4) Best friend. Let’s take a closer look at each one.

Q. What are some examples of acquaintance?

The definition of an acquaintance is someone you know casually but don’t know as well as you know a friend. An example of an acquaintance is anyone you went to school with but don’t keep in touch with on a regular basis.

Q. What is the difference between an acquaintance and a friend?

Friend is a person with whom you share a strong bond. Acquaintance is someone who is known but who is not a close friend.

Q. What is a friendly acquaintance?

What does it take to make someone who is friendly your friend? When someone you meet is friendly towards you, it may mean they like you, but it doesn’t mean you can be friends right away. When a person likes you, but is not yet your friend, they are called an “acquaintance”.

Q. Can I make your acquaintance?

fml to meet someone: I’m very pleased to make your acquaintance.

Q. How do you respond to pleasure to meet your acquaintance?

Hello, the most common answer is “Nice to meet you too”. You can also say “Thank you. It’s very nice to meet you as well”, “Am glad to meet you too”.

Q. What is mean of acquaintances?

a person known to one, but usually not a close friend. the state of being acquainted or casually familiar with someone or something: As far as I know, no one of my acquaintance has traveled around the world. personal knowledge as a result of study, experience, etc.: a good acquaintance with French wines.

Q. Is it weird to say nice to meet you online?

Many people still write “Nice to e-meet you” or “Nice to virtually meet you.” Although it’s a polite and friendly greeting, it feels unnecessary, and even a little old-fashioned, to acknowledge that the meeting is taking place online.

Q. Can I say it was a pleasure meeting you?

Both are correct. “It is a pleasure…” is present tense and is used when you meet someone (possibly, but not necessarily) for the first time. “It was a pleasure…” is past tense and is used usually at the end of the first meeting.

Q. What do you say after meeting someone for the first time?

You should say your name (probably just your first name unless it is a business situation). Again, this relaxes you and the other person because it makes you appear open and it connects the two of you. It doesn’t matter that they may well forget your name later; you made yourself appear open to them.

Q. What can I say instead of nice?

  • pleasant,
  • pleasing,
  • satisfying,
  • acceptable,
  • delightful,
  • enjoyable,
  • pleasurable,
  • congenial,

Q. What are 5 good synonyms?


  • adj.pleasant, fine.
  • adj.moral, virtuous.
  • adj.competent, skilled.
  • adj.useful, adequate.
  • adj.reliable; untainted.
  • adj.kind, giving.
  • adj.authentic, real.
  • adj.well-behaved.

Q. What can I say instead of cool in text?

41 alternatives to the word ‘cool’

  • Astonishing.
  • Bewitching.
  • Brilliant.
  • Captivating.
  • Charming.
  • Copacetic.
  • Delightful.
  • Dashing.

Q. What are the five new words?

New Words Added to English Dictionaries

  • automagically adv. Automatically in a way that seems magical.
  • bargainous adj. Costing less than expected.
  • big media n. Primary mass communication sources, e.g., TV and the press.
  • bromance n.
  • buzzkill n.
  • carbon credit n.
  • carbon offsetting n.
  • catastrophize v.

Q. How many new words are there in 2020?

This year, Dictionary.com broke its own record with 15,000 updates to existing entries and 650 new words added to keep up with the rapid pace of 2020.

Q. Which is the most used word in 2020?

Coronavirus and US political terms dominate the most used words of the year so far. “Covid” is the top word of 2020 so far, according to Global Language Monitor, an American data-research company that tracks trends in worldwide use of the English language.

Q. What are the 1000 most common words in English?

Here’s the List of the 1000 Most Common English Words

  • be – “Will you be my friend?”
  • and – “You and I will always be friends.”
  • of – “Today is the first of November.”
  • a – “I saw a bear today.”
  • in – “She is in her room.”
  • to – “Let’s go to the park.”
  • have – “I have a few questions.”
  • too – “I like her too.”

Q. What are the 5 longest words?

10 Longest Words in the English Language

  • Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters)
  • Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34 letters)
  • Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism (30 letters)
  • Floccinaucinihilipilification (29 letters)
  • Antidisestablishmentarianism (28 letters)
  • Honorificabilitudinitatibus (27 letters)

Q. What are the 1000 most common words in French?

This is a list of the 1,000 most commonly spoken French words….1000 Most Common French Words.

NumberFrenchin English

Q. Can I write 10000 words in a day?

Writing 10,000 words a day seems nearly impossible. However, it is entirely possible. At that rate, I could write 70,000 words per week, or 3,650,000 words every year. I don’t consistently write at this pace, but when I do write 10,000 words in a day, it’s an awesome feeling.

Q. Can I write 1000 words in 2 hours?

See how fast your fingers can move with this typing speed test. As you gain experience, your writing process will be way clearer, allowing you to craft better articles. You can write longer, more in-depth pieces. You should be able to write a one thousand word essay in 1 hour to 2 hours instead of 3 hours to 4 hours.

Q. Can you write 5000 words in 2 days?

Yes, it is possible to write a 5,000-word essay in a day. One needs to spend some time for research and go to a silent place where he can brainstorm easily. He may then write the entire essay at a stretch most probably in the late hours of night.

Q. Can I write 5000 words in 3 days?

It depends on how good you know the topic or whether you made pre-research to the topic and how good you are in writing. Generally, it can take 1-3 days.

Q. Can I write my dissertation in 2 days?

Yes, you can write up your dissertation in two days — but I don’t recommend it!

Q. Can you write 5000 words a day?

You can’t write 5000 words a day if you’re not used to writing every day. Therefore, daily writing is the first and most important habit you need to develop.

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What is the appropriate preposition of acquainted?.
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