What is the consequence of global warming? – Internet Guides
What is the consequence of global warming?

What is the consequence of global warming?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the consequence of global warming?

Effects that scientists had predicted in the past would result from global climate change are now occurring: loss of sea ice, accelerated sea level rise and longer, more intense heat waves.

Q. Is consequence positive or negative?

A positive consequence demonstrates to your child they have done something you approve of, whereas a negative consequence or discipline shows your child they have done something unacceptable or inappropriate.

Q. What does consequence mean?

noun. the effect, result, or outcome of something occurring earlier: The accident was the consequence of reckless driving. an act or instance of following something as an effect, result, or outcome. the conclusion reached by a line of reasoning; inference. importance or significance: a matter of no consequence.

Q. What is opposite consequence?

consequence. Antonyms: cause, causation, antecedence, premise, origin, datum, postulate, axiom, unimportance, insignificance, inconsequence, inconsecutiveness, irrelevance, meanness, paltriness. Synonyms: effect, issue, result, inference, coherence, deduction, conclusion, outcome, importance, note, moment, dignity.

Q. What is cause consequences?

Cause and consequence. the factors or circumstances that cause something to happen and. the consequent results or impact on future events.

Q. What does consequence mean in history?

Every historical event has a flow-on effect upon things that occur after it. Things that occurred because of the event under investigation are called ‘Consequences’. Such consequences can include impacts upon people, societies, beliefs or any other facet of history.

Q. What are examples of unintended consequences?

Traffic congestion, deaths and injuries from car accidents, air pollution, and global warming are unintended consequences of the invention and large scale adoption of the automobile.

Q. Why is cause and consequence important in history?

The causes and consequences (effects, impacts) of historical events are of primary interest for historians, and this relationship is an important part of the History curriculum. Figuring out why a historical event happened can be complicated, as there are often a range of different causes.

Q. Why is it important to identify cause and consequence?

It is important for students to know and understand what cause and effect situations are. They should be able to identify an event that is responsible for the cause that resulted in an effect. Identifying these three things can help create analytical thinkers and minds that can work through complex problems.

Q. What are the causes and consequences of poverty?

Poverty has far reaching consequences on the society. For example, poverty causes malnutrition which would affect the development of a child’s mental thinking and healthy body. Poverty may also lead to political instability and lead to increased risk of war, mass emigration of population and terrorism.

Q. How do timelines show cause and effect relationships?

Terms in this set (24) Explain why a timeline is considered a cause and effect graphic organizer. Timelines are cause and effect graphic organizers because they show the order of events, an event’s place in history and identify events which lead up to, or cause, other events.

Q. What is the difference between long term and short term effects?

The main difference between Short Term Effects and Long Term Effects of Drug Abuse is, short term effects stay for a lesser period and can be easily treated and cured but the long term effects stay for a long run and it potentially destroys the health of a person rapidly if it is not properly identified and treated.

Q. What is a long-term consequence?

Listen to pronunciation. (… eh-FEKT) A problem that is caused by a disease or treatment of a disease and may continue for months or years.

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